仓库 API
编排仓库相关 API
仓库是需要是标准的 Helm 仓库格式,下面是相关 API 介绍。
1. 命令行
# 帮助信息
$ climc k8s-repo-create --help
Usage: climc k8s-repo-create [--public] [--help] [--type {internal,external}] <NAME> <URL>
Create repo
Positional arguments:
ID or name of the repo
Repository url
Optional arguments:
Make repostitory public
Print usage and this help message and exit.
[--type {internal,external}] # 其中 internal 为虚拟机应用,external 为容器应用
Repository type
# 创建容器仓库举例
$ climc --debug k8s-repo-create --type external bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
2. API
- 方法:POST
- 路径:/api/repos
- Body:
"name": "bitnami",
"type": "external",
"url": "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
- 返回结果:
"id": "22e3d2e4-9230-4380-8a6f-a378fe730625", // id
"is_public": true, // 是否共享
"name": "bitnami", // 名称
"project_domain": "Default", // 所在域
"release_count": 0, // 发布应用的数量
"type": "external", // 类型
"url": "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami" // url
1. 命令行
$ climc k8s-repo-update --help
Usage: climc k8s-repo-update [--url URL] [--help] [--name NAME] <NAME>
Update repo
Positional arguments:
ID or name of the repo
Optional arguments:
[--url URL]
Repository url to change # 更新仓库的 URL
Print usage and this help message and exit.
[--name NAME]
Repository name to change
# 更新仓库举例
# 将 bitnami 这个仓库改名成 bitnami-new
$ climc --debug k8s-repo-update --name bitnami-new bitnami
- 方法:PUT
- 路径:/api/repos/$repo_id_or_name
- Body:
"name": "bitnami-new",
"url": "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
- 返回结果:和创建的返回结果类似
1. 命令行
# 帮助信息
$ climc k8s-repo-list --help
List repos
Optional arguments:
[--offset OFFSET]
Page offset
[--order-by ORDER_BY]
Name of the field to be ordered by
[--order {desc,asc}]
List order
Show more details
[--search SEARCH]
Filter results by a simple keyword search
[--type {internal,external}] # 根据类型过滤
Helm repostitory type
Print usage and this help message and exit.
[--limit LIMIT]
Page limit
# 过滤出容器类型的应用仓库
$ climc --debug k8s-repo-list --type external
2. API
- 方法:GET
- 路径:/api/repos
- Query 参数: ?details=false&limit=20&offset=0&type=external
1. 命令行
# 帮助信息
$ Usage: climc k8s-repo-sync [--help] <NAME>
Not enough arguments, missing <NAME>
# 同步 bitnami 仓库
$ climc --debug k8s-repo-sync bitnami
2. API
- 方法:POST
- 路径:/api/repos/$repo_id_or_name/sync
1. 命令行
$ climc --debug k8s-repo-delete $repo_id_or_name
2. API
- 路径:/api/repos/$repo_id_or_name