Introduce the installation and use of climc tool.

Command Line Tools CLIMC

CLIMC (Command Line Interface for Management of Cloud) is a command line tool based on the Cloud Management Platform SDK Golang, which is mainly provided for operation and maintenance personnel. CLIMC commands can manage the entire Cloud Management Platform by sending API requests to back-end services.

CLIMC installation configuration

After the installation of OneCloud is completed, users can use CLIMC command in First Node node and CLIMC container, where First Node node needs to be initialized and configured to be used properly.

CLIMC initialization configuration

After the installation of the cloud management platform is completed, the climc tool is installed on the First Node node by default, and users can directly execute the initialization command to use the climc tool, and the setup method is as follows.

  1. Remotely connect to the First Node node via ssh as root user.

  2. Execute the following command to initialize the climc tool, the command is only valid for the current login conversation, when the user exits the conversation or logs out of the system, the command will be invalid, and the user needs to execute the following command again to initialize the climc tool.

    $ source <(ocadm cluster rcadmin)
  3. To avoid the need to initialize the climc tool every time you connect to the control node, it is recommended to add the initialize tool command to ~/.bash_profile.

    $ echo 'source <(ocadm cluster rcadmin)' >> ~/.bash_profile &&source ~/.bash_profile
  4. subsequent users can use the climc tool after remotely connecting to the First Node node using the root user, but other users are not available.

Verify the CLIMC tool

Using the Climc command on the First Node node

Enter the following command on the First Node node to verify that the climc tool can be used to operate and manage the OneCloud platform.

# Command line mode to view the list of servers created on the cloud management platform
$ climc server-list 
# Interactive mode to see the list of servers created on the cloud management platform
$ climc
climc> server-list  

Using the Climc command in the Climc container

  1. Check the name of the climc container on the First Node node.
$ kubectl get pods -n onecloud |grep climc 
  1. Execute the following command to get inside the climc container to use the climc command.
$ kubectl exec -n onecloud default-climc-85687594fd-jdfpx -it /bin/sh
# Climc command in command line mode
$ climc server-list
# Interactive mode uses the climc command
$ climc 
climc > server-list

Introduction to using CLIMC tools

CLIMC mode

CLIMC has two modes, one is interactive mode and one is command mode.

Interactive mode

Type climc directly in command line mode without any parameters enter to enter the interactive mode of climc.

The system will automatically prompt for commands in interactive mode, and pressing tab will fill in the most matching command and parameter names.

Command mode

Command mode means typing climc at the command line with the rated parameters to get the corresponding result. This mode does not support auto-completion by default, you can enable it by setting the following command

# Enable auto-completion of bash command-line arguments
$ source <(climc --completion bash)  

For persistent use of the parameter completion feature, it is recommended that the command be placed in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile to automatically initialize the environment.

$ echo 'source <(climc --completion bash)' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile


The CLIMC tool is a command line tool based on the Cloud Management Platform SDK Golang implementation and is mainly provided for use by operations and maintenance personnel. The main uses are as follows.

  • Implement the operation of the cloud management platform through the command line.
  • Through the script to call climc command, so as to more convenient to achieve the function of operation and maintenance automation.

command run once

$ climc server-list

Commands as part of bash function/script

for id in e572c089-2202-4070-8f07-e8f460d0fb91 b8212514-ec2f-4baa-b230-8143629b5e12 b2af470f-94e7-4b49-a82e-0e1305ba6121
    climc server-update --delete enable $i
    climc server-delete $i


$ climc 
climc> server-list
  • autocomplete
  • parameter prompt
  • Pipelines

function module

$ climc --help |pcregrep '^\s{8}\S+$' |tr '-' ' ' |awk '{print $1}' |sort |uniq -c|sort -nr
     37 server
     34 host
     14 project
     11 user
     10 network
     10 disk
      9 schedtag
      9 image
      9 dns
      8 vcenter
      8 monitortemplate
      8 domain
      6 storage

sub-command syntax - server-delete


  • C server-create
  • R server-show, server-list
  • U server-update
  • D server-delete

re-processes the results

E.g. Add up the number of cpu’s of all servers whose name contains dev.

$ climc
climc> server-list --admin --filter
| ID | Name | Status | vcpu_count | vmem_size | Hypervisor | os_type | is_system |
| 232bafee-6c62-4263-ad0a-2e5017726678 | lzx-centos7-dev01 | running | 8 | 8092 | kvm | Linux | false |
| 44453773-f27a-4ac6-b44b-4e786e6dbf21 | rex-dev-1727 | running | 4 | 3072 | kvm | | false |
climc> server-list --admin --filter |awk '$8 ~ /[0-9]/ {sum+= $8} END {print sum}'

Debug mode

$ climc --debug server-list

Color conventions

  • Request uses yellow
  • CURL uses blue-green
  • Depending on the status code, 200
  • You can see the following code.
if this.debug {
    yellow("Request", method, endpoint+url, req.Header, body)
    curlCmd, _ := http2curl.GetCurlCommand(req)
    cyan("CURL:", curlCmd)
if this.debug {
    if resp.StatusCode < 300 {
        green("Status:", resp.StatusCode)
    } else if resp.StatusCode < 400 {
        yellow("Status:", resp.StatusCode)
    } else {
        red("Status:", resp.StatusCode)


$ curl -X 'GET' -d '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'User-Agent: yunioncloud-go/201708' -H 'X-Auth-Token: gAAAAABa1_r4fzEumxPuvSR_W9ImV-mvDFVPxMmME4c2m5a7ODQ6M7HODDdOwI6IOVkS3pE5L0kJmR5Kvv9WHie_Cutd0xwTAJ8YtPfS9QopLZYgdMcUIRDNtFe-oB9-ZG1KWNAOaQL7fElXCNUJOY-sI0doXLcjzVnwUT0RyucfI65fAUDT9j8' ''


  • Please see HTTP Authoritative Guide(Chinese version) for more knowledge on HTTP requests
  • Please see curl usage detailed explanation to master more common commands of curl

CLIMC commands

Commonly used commands

  • climc help
climc> --help      
Usage: climc [--help|-h] [--debug] [--version] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--secure] [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME] [--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME] [--os-zone-name OS_ZONE_NAME] [--os-endpoint-type {publicURL,internalURL,adminURL}] [--kube-config KUBE_CONFIG] [--helm-state-dir HELM_STATE_DIR] <SUBCOMMAND> ...
  • View the usage of a command
climc> help notify
Usage: climc notify [--group] [--remark REMARK] <UID> <CONTACTTYPE> <TOPIC> <{normal,important,fatal}> <MSG>

Send a notification to someone

Positional arguments:
        The user you wanna sent to (Keystone User ID)
        User's contacts type
        Title or topic of the notification
        Priority of the notification
        The content of the notification

Optional arguments:
        Send to group
    [--remark REMARK]
        Remark or description of the notification
  • Create Servers
climc> server-create
Usage: climc server-create [--disk DISK] [--net NETWORK] [--isolated-device ISOLATED_DEVICE] [--keypair KEYPAIR] [--iso IMAGE_ID] [--ncpu <SERVER_CPU_COUNT>] [--vga {std,vmware,cirrus,qxl}] [--vdi {vnc,spice}] [--bios {BIOS,UEFI}] [--desc <DESCRIPTION>] [--boot <BOOT_DEVICE>] [--allow-delete] [--shutdown-behavior <SHUTDOWN_BEHAVIOR>] [--auto-start] [--zone ZONE] [--host HOST] [--sched-tag <KEY:VALUE>] [--deploy DEPLOY] [--group GROUP] [--project PROJECT] [--user USER] [--system] [--hypervisor {kvm,esxi,baremetal,container,aliyun}] [--task-notify] [--count COUNT] [--dry-run] [--raid-config RAID_CONFIG] <NAME> <MEMORY>
  • Create users
climc> user-create
Usage: climc user-create [--domain DOMAIN] [--desc DESC] [--password PASSWORD] [--displayname DISPLAYNAME] [--email EMAIL] [--mobile MOBILE] [--enabled] [--disabled] <NAME>

List of commands

Commands Interaction Mode Remarks Explanation
accountbalances-list list all account balances 列出所有账户余额
action-show Show operation action logs 显示操作行为日志
add-alert-to-template Add alert to alert-template 给告警模板添加一条告警
add-alerttemplate-to-treenode Bind alert-template to service-tree node 绑定一条告警模板到服务树节点
add-labels-to-node Add labels to node 给节点添加标签
agent-disable Disble agent 禁用exsiagent或baremetal agent
agent-delete Delete agent 删除exsiagent或baremetal agent
agent-enable Enable agent 启用exsiagent或baremetal agent
agent-list list all agent 显示所有agent
agent-show Show details of an agent 显示agent详情
alert-create Create a alert 创建一条告警
alert-delete Delete a alert 删除一条告警
alert-list List all alerts 显示所有告警
alert-show Show alert details 显示告警详情
alert-update Update a alert 更新一条告警
alertevent-ack-update Update ack status of alert event 更新告警事件应答状态
alertevent-list List all alert’s event 显示所有告警事件
alertlog-create Create a alert log 创建一条告警日志
alertlog-list List all alert’s event 显示所有告警事件
alerttemplate-alert-list List alerts of alert template 显示所有告警模板
alerttemplate-create Create a alert-template 创建一条告警模板
alerttemplate-delete Delete a alert-template 删除一条告警模板
alerttemplate-list List all alert templates 列出所有告警模板
alerttemplate-show Show alert template details 显示告警模板详情
alerttemplate-update Update a alert-template 更新一条告警模板
ansible-hosts List ansible inventory 列出ansible清单
ansibleplaybook-create Create ansible playbook 创建一个ansible的playbook
ansibleplaybook-delete Delete ansible playbook 删除ansible的playbook
ansibleplaybook-list List ansible playbooks 列出所有ansible的playbook
ansibleplaybook-run Run ansible playbook 执行ansible的playbook
ansibleplaybook-show Show ansible playbook 显示ansible的playbook详情
ansibleplaybook-stop Stop ansible playbook 终止ansible的playbook的执行
ansibleplaybook-update Update ansible playbook 更新ansible的playbook
ansibleplaybookv2-list List ansible playbooks 列出所有ansible的playbook
ansibleplaybookv2-show Show ansible playbook 显示ansible的playbook详情
associate-bill-list List associated bills 列出关联账单
baremetal-event-create Create baremetal event 创建裸金属服务器
baremetal-event-list List baremetal events 列出裸金属操作日志
baremetal-storage-list List baremetal storage pairs 列出裸金属服务器存储配对
baremetal-storage-show Show baremetal storage details 显示裸金属服务器存储详情
batch-add-labels-to-node Batch add labels to nodes 为节点添加标签
batch-remove-labels-from-node Batch remove labels from nodes 为节点移除标签
bind-template-to-node Bind alert-template to service-tree node 为节点绑定告警模板
billanalysis-list List all bill analysises 多维度分析
billbalance-list List all BillBalances 列出账户余额
billbalance-show Show BillBalance details 显示余额详情
billcloudcheck-list List all BillCloudChecks 列出云账号状态
billcondition-list List all bill conditions 列出所有账单状况
billdetail-list List all bill details 列出所有流水账单
billresource-list List all bill resources 列出所有资源账单
bucket-access-info Show backend access info of a bucket 显示存储桶的后端访问信息
bucket-acl Get ACL of bucket or object 获取存储桶或存储对象的访问权限
bucket-create Create a bucket 创建存储桶
bucket-delete delete bucket 删除存储桶
bucket-limit Set limit of bucket 设置存储桶上限
bucket-list List all buckets 列出所有存储桶
bucket-mkdir Mkdir in a bucket 在存储桶中创建文件夹
bucket-options-verify Expense OSS Bucket connection test 账单存储连接测试
bucket-object-delete Delete objects in a bucket 删除存储桶中的对象
bucket-object-list List objects in a bucket 列出存储桶中的所有对象
bucket-object-tempurl Get temporal URL for an object in a bucket 生成临时URL
bucket-object-upload Upload an object into a bucket 在存储桶中上传文件
bucket-set-acl Set ACL of bucket or object 设置存储桶或存储对象的访问权限
bucket-sync Sync bucket 同步存储桶状态
bucket-show Show details of bucket 显示存储桶详情
bucket-update update bucket 更新存储桶
cached-image-delete Remove cached image information 移除缓存镜像信息
cached-image-list List cached images 列出缓存镜像
cached-image-refresh Refresh cached image details 刷新缓存镜像详情
cached-image-show Show cached image details 显示缓存镜像详情
change-alert-enabled UnBind alert-template from service-tree node 从服务树节点中解绑告警模板
change-status-alerttemplate-for-treenode UnBind alert-template from service-tree node 从服务树节点中解绑告警模板
clone-alerttemplate-to-treenode Bind alert-template to service-tree node 给服务树节点绑定一条告警模板
cloud-account-create Create a cloud account 创建云账号
cloud-account-create-aliyun Create an Alibaba Cloud cloud account 创建阿里云账号
cloud-account-create-aws Create an AWS cloud account 创建AWS云账号
cloud-account-create-azure Create an Azure cloud account 创建Azure云账号
cloud-account-create-ceph Create a ceph object storage account 创建ceph对象存储账号
cloud-account-create-ctyun Create a Ctyun cloud account 创建天翼云账号
cloud-account-create-google Create a Google cloud account 创建谷歌云账号
cloud-account-create-huawei Create a Huawei cloud account 创建华为云账号
cloud-account-create-openstack Create an OpenStack cloud account 创建OpenStack账号
cloud-account-create-qcloud Create a Qcloud cloud account 创建腾讯云账号
cloud-account-create-s3 Create a generaic S3 object storage account 创建S3对象存储账号
cloud-account-create-ucloud Create a Ucloud cloud account 创建UCloud云账号
cloud-account-create-vmware Create a VMware cloud account 创建VMware账号
cloud-account-create-xsky Create a xsky object storage account 创建XSKY账号
cloud-account-create-zstack Create a ZStack cloud account 创建ZStack账号
cloud-account-delete Delete a cloud account 删除云账号
cloud-account-disable Disable cloud account 禁用云账号
cloud-account-disable-auto-sync Disable automatic sync for this account 禁用自动同步
cloud-account-enable Enable cloud account 启用云账号
cloud-account-enable-auto-sync Enable automatic sync for this account 启用自动同步
cloud-account-event Show operation event logs of cloudaccount 显示云账号操作日志
cloud-account-import Import sub cloud account 导入子账号
cloud-account-list List cloud accounts 列出云账号信息
cloud-account-private Mark this cloud account private 将云账号设置为私有
cloud-account-public Mark this cloud account public 将云账号设置为共享
cloud-account-share-mode Set share_mode of a cloud account 设置云账号共享模式
cloud-account-show Get details of a cloud account 显示云账号详情
cloud-account-sync Sync of a cloud account account 同步云账号
cloud-account-sync-skus Sync skus of a cloud account 同步云账号套餐
cloud-account-update Update a cloud account 更新云账号
cloud-account-update-aliyun update an Alibaba Cloud cloud account 更新阿里云账号
cloud-account-update-aws update an AWS cloud account 更新AWS账号
cloud-account-update-azure update an Azure cloud account 更新Azure账号
cloud-account-update-ctyun update a Ctyun cloud account 更新天翼云账号
cloud-account-update-huawei update a Huawei cloud account 更新华为云账号
cloud-account-update-openstack update an openstack cloud account 更新OpenStack账号
cloud-account-update-qcloud update a Tencent cloud account 更新腾讯云账号
cloud-account-update-s3 update a generic S3 cloud account 更新S3对象存储账号
cloud-account-update-ucloud update a Ucloud cloud account 更新UCloud账号
cloud-account-update-vmware update a vmware cloud account 更新VMware账号
cloud-account-update-zstack update a ZStack cloud account 更新ZStack账号
cloud-account-update-credential Update credential of a cloud account 更新云账号身份验证信息
cloud-account-update-credential-vmware Update credential of a VMware cloud account 更新VMware身份认证信息
cloud-account-update-credential-aliyun Update credential of an Alibaba Cloud cloud account 更新阿里云身份认证信息
cloud-account-update-credential-azure Update credential of an Azure cloud account 更新Azure身份认证信息
cloud-provider-balance Get balance 获取余额
cloud-provider-change-project Change project for provider 为云订阅更改项目
cloud-provider-clirc Get client RC file of the cloud provider 获取云订阅源信息
cloud-provider-delete Delete a cloud provider 删除云订阅
cloud-provider-disable Disable cloud provider 禁用云订阅
cloud-provider-enable Enable cloud provider 启用云订阅
cloud-provider-event Show operation event logs of cloudprovider 查看云订阅的操作日志
cloud-provider-list List cloud providers 列出所有云订阅
cloud-provider-region-list List cloudprovider region synchronization status 列出云订阅下的所有区域
cloud-provider-region-enable Enable automatic synchronization for cloudprovider/region pair 开启云订阅的区域自定同步
cloud-provider-region-disable Disable automatic synchronization for cloudprovider/region pair 关闭云订阅的区域自定同步
cloud-provider-show Get details of a cloud provider 获取云订阅详情
cloud-provider-storage-classes Get list of supported storage classes of a cloud provider 显示云订阅支持的存储列表
cloud-provider-sync Sync of a cloud provider account 同步云订阅账户
cloud-provider-update Update a cloud provider 更新云订阅
cloud-provider-update-credential Update credential of a cloud provider 更新云订阅的身份验证信息
cloud-provider-usage Show general usage of vcenter 显示云账号的使用率
cloud-region-capability Show region’s capacibilities 查看云订阅下的可用区域
cloud-region-cities List cities where cloud region resides 显示地域所属城市
cloud-region-create Create a cloud region 创建地域
cloud-region-delete Delete a cloud region 删除地域
cloud-region-list List cloud regions 列出所有地域
cloud-region-providers List cities where cloud region resides 列出云账号区域所在城市
cloud-region-set-default-vpc Set default vpc for a region 为地域设置默认VPC
cloud-region-show Show a cloud region 显示云地域
cloud-region-update Update a cloud region 更新云地域
cloud-region-usage Show general usage of a cloud region 显示区域下的云账号使用率
cloud-sku-rate-list list cloud-sku-rates 列出云账号套餐费率
contact-delete Delete contact for user 删除用户联系信息
contact-group-list List all contact groups for all the domainsconta 列出所有联系组
contact-list List all contacts for all users 列出所有用户的联系方式
contact-pull Pull contact 根据手机号拉取联系方式
contact-show Show all contacts for the users 显示所有用户的联系方式
contact-update Create, delete or update contact for user 创建、删除、或更新用户联系方式
contact-verify Contact verify 联系方式验证
contact-verify-trigger Trigger contact verify 触发联系方式验证
copyright-update update copyright 更新版权信息
dbinstance-account-delete Delete DB instance account 删除RDS数据库账号
dbinstance-account-list List DB instance accounts 列出RDS数据库所有账号
dbinstance-account-show Show DB instance account 显示RDS数据库账号详情
dbinstance-backup-create Create DB instance backup 创建RDS数据库备份
dbinstance-backup-delete Delete DB instance backup 删除RDS数据库备份
dbinstance-backup-list List DB instance backups 列出所有RDS数据库备份
dbinstance-backup-show Show DB instance backup 显示RDS数据库备份详情
dbinstance-create Create DB instance 创建RDS数据库实例
dbinstance-change-config ChangeConfig a dbinstance 调整RDS数据库实例配置
dbinstance-close-public-connection Close DB instance public connection 关闭外网访问
dbinstance-change-owner Change owner porject of a dbinstance 更改RDS数据库所属
dbinstance-database-create Create DB instance databases 在RDS实例上创建数据库
dbinstance-database-delete Delete DB instance databases 在RDS实例上删除数据库
dbinstance-database-list List DB instance databases 列出RDS实例上所有数据库
dbinstance-list List DB instance 列出所有RDS实例
dbinstance-open-public-connection Open DB instance public connection 开启外网访问
dbinstance-parameter-list List DB instance parameters 列出RDS实例参数项
dbinstance-privilege-list List DB instance accounts 列出所有数据库账号
dbinstance-purge Purge DB instance 从数据库删除RDS实例
dbinstance-reboot Restart DB instance 重启RDS实例
dbinstance-recovery Recovery DB instance database from backup 从备份恢复RDS实例
dbinstance-renew Renewal a dbinstance 续费RDS实例
dbinstance-show Show DB instance 显示RDS实例详情
dbinstance-sku-list List dbinstance skus 列出RDS实例套餐信息
dbinstance-sku-show Show dbinstance sku details dbinstance-sync-status Sync status for DB instance 显示RDS实例套餐详情
dbinstance-update Update a dbinstance 更新RDS实例
delete-alerttemplate-from-treenode UnBind alert-template from service-tree node 从服务树模板解绑告警模板
devtoolcronjob-create Create a cronjob repo component 创建运维工具的定时任务
devtoolcronjob-delete Delete DevToolCronjob 删除运维工具的定时任务
devtoolcronjob-list List Devtool Cronjobs 列出所有运维工具的定时任务
devtoolcronjob-show Show cronjob details 显示运维工具定时任务的详情
devtoolcronjob-update Update DevToolCronjob 更新运维工具定时任务
devtooltemplate-bind Binding devtool template to a host/vm 运维模板关联虚拟机或宿主机
devtooltemplate-create Create a template repo component 创建运维模板
devtooltemplate-delete Delete devtool template 删除运维模板
devtooltemplate-list List Devtool Templates 列出所有运维模板
devtooltemplate-show Show devtool template 显示运维模板详情
devtooltemplate-unbind Binding devtool template to a host/vm 取消运维模板与虚拟机或宿主机的关联
devtooltemplate-update Update ansible playbook 更新运维模板
disk-cancel-delete Cancel pending delete disks 取消待消除磁盘
disk-change-owner Change owner porject of a disk 更改磁盘所属项目
disk-create Create a virtual disk 创建一块虚拟硬盘
disk-delete Delete a disk 删除一块硬盘
disk-delete-snapshots Delete a disk snapshots 删除磁盘快照
disk-event Show operation event logs of disk 列出磁盘操作日志
disk-list List virtual disks 列出所有虚拟硬盘
disk-metadata Get metadata of a disk 获得硬盘元数据
disk-private Make a disk private 使一块硬盘变为私有
disk-public Make a disk public 使一块硬盘变为公有
disk-purge Delete a disk record in database, not actually do deletion 数据库中删除硬盘记录,如残余信息等,并不删除硬盘
disk-resize Resize a disk 重新分配一块硬盘大小
disk-reset Resize a disk 快照回滚磁盘
disk-show Show details of disk 显示硬盘详情
disk-save Disk save image 磁盘保存镜像
disk-snapshot-policy-list List snapshot policy attached 列出磁盘绑定的快照策略
disk-snapshot-policy-attach attach snapshot policy to disk 为磁盘绑定快照策略
disk-snapshot-policy-detach detach snapshot policy to disk 为磁盘解绑快照策略
disk-update Update property of a virtual disk 更新一块虚拟硬盘属性
disk-update-status Set disk status 更新硬盘状态
dnat-create Create a DNAT 创建一条DNAT记录
dnat-delete Delete a DNAT 删除一条DNAT记录
dnat-list List DNAT entries 列出所有DNAT记录
dnat-show Show a DNAT 显示DNAT详情
dns-add-records Add DNS records to a name 给DNS记录增加名字
dns-create Create dns record 创建一条DNS记录
dns-delete Delete a dns record 删除一条DNS记录
dns-disable Disable dns record 禁用DNS
dns-enable Enable dns record 启用DNS
dns-list List dns records 列出所有DNS记录
dns-private Make a dns record private 使一条DNS记录私有
dns-public Make a dns record publicly available 使一条DNS记录公有
dns-remove-records Remove DNS records from a name 从名字中移除一条DNS记录
dns-show Show details of a dns records 显示一条DNS记录的详情
dns-update Update details of a dns records 更新一条DNS记录的详情
domain-create Create a new domain 创建新的域
domain-delete Delete a domain 删除域
domain-event Show operation event logs of keystone domains 显示域的操作日志
domain-list List domains 列出所有域
domain-show Show detail of domain 显示域详情
domain-update Update a domain 更新域
dynamic-schedtag-create create dynamic schedtag 创建动态调度标签
dynamic-schedtag-delete delete dynamic schedtag 删除动态调度标签
dynamic-schedtag-evaluate Evaluate dynamic schedtag condition 设置动态调度标签的条件
dynamic-schedtag-list List dynamic schedtag conditions 列出所有动态调度标签
dynamic-schedtag-show Show details of a dyanmic schedtag policy 显示动态调度标签详情
eip-associate Associate an EIP to an instance 将EIP绑定到虚拟机
eip-change-bandwidth Change maximal bandwidth of EIP 更改弹性公网IP的带宽
eip-change-owner Change owner porject of a eip 更改弹性公网IP的所属项目
eip-create Create an EIP 创建弹性公网IP
eip-delete Delete an EIP 删除弹性公网IP
eip-dissociate Dissociate an EIP from an instance 将弹性公网IP从虚拟机上解绑
eip-event Show operation event logs of elastic IP 显示弹性公网IP操作日志
eip-list List elastic IPs 列出所有弹性公网IP
eip-purge Purge EIP db records 从数据库中删除EIP记录
eip-sync Synchronize status of an EIP 同步弹性公网IP状态
eip-show show details of an EIP 显示弹性公网IP详情
eip-update Update EIP properties 更新弹性公网IP
elastic-cache-account-create Create elastisc cache account 创建Redis用户账号
elastic-cache-account-delete Delete elastisc cache account 删除Redis用户账号
elastic-cache-account-list List elastisc cache account 列出所有Redis用户账号
elastic-cache-account-reset-password Reset elastisc cache instance account password 为Redis用户账号重置密码
elastic-cache-allocate-public-connect Allocate elastisc cache instance public access connection 分配Redis外网连接地址
elastic-cache-backup-create Create elastisc cache backup 创建Redis备份
elastic-cache-backup-delete Delete elastisc cache backup 删除Redis备份
elastic-cache-backup-list List elastisc cache backup 列出所有Redis备份
elastic-cache-backup-restore Restore elastisc cache backup 恢复Redis备份
elastic-cache-change-spec Change elastisc cache instance specification 调整Redis配置
elastic-cache-create Create elastisc cache instance 创建Redis实例
elastic-cache-delete Delete elastisc cache instance 删除Redis实例
elastic-cache-disable-auth Disable elastisc cache instance auth 关闭免密访问
elastic-cache-enable-auth Enable elastisc cache instance auth 开启免密访问
elastic-cache-flush-instance Flush elastisc cache instance 清空数据
elastic-cache-list List elastisc cache instance 列出所有Redis实例
elastic-cache-parameter-list List elastisc cache parameters 列出Redis的配置
elastic-cache-parameter-update Update elastisc cache parameter 更新Redis的配置
elastic-cache-restart Restart elastisc cache instance 重启Redis实例
elastic-cache-set-maintenance-time set elastisc cache instance maintenance time 设置Redis可维护时间段
elastic-cache-sku-list List elastisc cache sku 列出所有Redis套餐
email-config-create Create a Email Config 创建一条邮件配置
email-config-delete Delete a email config 删除一条邮件配置
email-config-show Show email-config details 显示邮件配置详情
email-config-update Update a email-config 更新一条邮件配置
endpoint-create Create endpoint 创建服务的接入端
endpoint-delete Delete an endpoint 删除服务的接入端
endpoint-event Show operation event logs of keystone endpoints 显示服务接入端的操作日志
endpoint-list List service endpoints 列出所有的服务接入端
endpoint-show Show details of an endpoint 显示接入端的详情
endpoint-update Update a endpoint 更新服务的接入端
event-show Show operation event logs 显示操作事件日志
external-project-list List public cloud projects 列出所有公有云云上项目
external-project-show Show details of project mapping 显示云上项目与本地项目的映射关系
external-project-change-project Change external project point to local project 更改云上项目对应的本地项目
global-vpc-list List global vpcs 列出所有全局VPC
global-vpc-show Show details of a global vpc 显示全局VPC的详情
group-create Create a group 创建用户组
group-delete Delete a group 删除用户组
group-event Show operation event logs of keystone groups 显示用户组操作日志
group-join-project Group join projects with roles 将用户组以某种角色加入项目
group-leave-project Leave a group from projects 将用户组退出项目
group-list List groups 列出所有组
group-show Show details of a group 显示组的详情
group-user-list Show members of a group 显示组的成员
guest-image-create Create guest image’s metadata 创建主机镜像
guest-image-cancel-delete Cancel pending delete images 取消自动删除镜像
guest-image-delete Delete a image 删除主机镜像
guest-image-list List guest images 列出所有主机镜像
guest-image-mark-protected Mark image protected 设置主机镜像删除保护
guest-image-mark-unprotected Mark image protected 取消主机镜像删除保护
guest-image-private Make a guest image private 将主机镜像设置为私有
guest-image-public Make a guest image public 共享主机镜像
guest-image-update update guest image 更新主机镜像
historic-process-instance-list List historic process definition 列出所有发起历史工单信息
historic-process-instance-show Show historic process definition 显示历史工单详情
historic-process-instance-statistics Delete all contacts for the user 统计我参与的历史工单信息
historic-task-instance-list List historic process instance 列出所有历史审批信息
historic-task-instance-show Show historic task instance 显示历史审批信息详情
host-action Show operation action logs of host 显示宿主机操作日志
host-add-netif Host add a NIC 宿主增加一块网卡
host-cache-image Ask a host to cache a image 请求宿主机缓存镜像
host-cachedimage-list List host cached image pairs 列出宿主机缓存镜像
host-cachedimage-update Update host cached image 更新宿主机缓存镜像
host-convert-hypervisor Convert a baremetal into a hypervisor 物理机转换为宿主机
host-create Create a baremetal host 添加物理机
host-delete Delete host record 删除一条宿主机记录
host-disable Disable a host 禁用一台宿主机
host-disable-netif Disable a network interface 禁用宿主机网卡
host-eject-iso Eject ISO from virtual cd-rom of host 宿主机卸载ISO
host-enable-netif Enable a network interface for a host 启用宿主机网卡
host-enable Enable a host 启用一台宿主机
host-event Show operation event logs of host 显示宿主机操作事件日志
host-ipmi Get IPMI information of a host 获取宿主机IPMI信息
host-ipmi-probe Do ipmi probe host 查看主机是否支持Redfish
host-insert-iso Insert ISO into virtual cd-rom of host 宿主机挂载ISO
host-list List hosts 列出宿主机
host-logininfo Get SSH login information of a host 获取一台宿主机SSH登录信息
host-maintenance Restart host into PXE offline OS, do maintenance jobs 宿主机维护
host-metadata Show metadata of a host 显示一台宿主机元数据
host-network-list List baremetal network pairs 列出裸金属网络配对
host-network-show Show baremetal network details 显示裸金属网络详情
host-ping Ping a host ping一台宿主机
host-prepare Prepare a host for installation 准备一台宿主机安装
host-remove-netif Remove NIC from host 从宿主机移除网卡
host-reset Power reset host 宿主机电源重置
host-remove-all-netifs Remvoe all netifs expect admin&ipmi netifs 移除宿主机除管理网卡和ipmi以外的网卡
host-renew-prepaid-recycle Renewal a prepaid recycle host 宿主机回收为物理机
host-set-schedtag Set schedtags to host 为宿主机绑定调度标签
host-show Show details of a host 显示一台宿主机详情
host-start Power on host 宿主机上电
host-stop Power-off on host 宿主机下电
host-spec Get host spec info 获取宿主机规格
host-storage-attach Attach a storage to a host 为宿主机添加存储
host-storage-detach Detach a storage from a host 为宿主机分离存储
host-storage-list List host storage pairs 列出所有存储配对
host-storage-show Show host storage details 显示宿主机存储详情
host-sync-config Synchronize config of a host 检测硬件配置
host-syncstatus Synchronize status of a host 同步宿主机状态
host-uncache-image Ask a host to remove image from a cache 请求宿主机从缓存中移除镜像
host-undo-convert Undo converting a host to hypervisor 撤销宿主机转换为物理机
host-undo-recycle Pull a prepaid server from recycle pool, so that it will not be shared any more 撤销宿主机回收为物理机
host-unmaintenance Restart host back into disk installed OS 重启宿主机,硬盘安装操作系统
host-update Update information of a host 更新一台宿主机信息
host-vnc Get VNC information of a host 获取宿主机VNC信息
host-wire-detach Detach host from wire 从二层网络解绑宿主机
host-wire-list List host wire 列出宿主机的二层网络
host-wire-show Show host wire details 显示宿主机二层网络详情
host-wire-update Update host wire information 更新宿主机二层网络信息
idp-config-cas Config an Identity provider with CAS driver 配置CAS认证源
idp-config-ldap Config an Identity provider with LDAP driver 配置LDAP认证源
idp-config-ldap-multi-domain Config an Identity provider with LDAP drivermulti domain template 通过LDAP多域模板配置LDAP认证源
idp-config-ldap-single-domain Config an Identity provider with LDAP driver/single domain template 通过LDAP单域模板配置LDAP认证源
idp-config-show Show detail of a domain config 显示域配置详情
idp-create-cas Create an identity provider with CAS driver 创建CAS认证源
idp-create-ldap Create an identity provider with LDAP driver 创建LDAP认证源
idp-create-ldap-multi-domain Create an identity provider with LDAP driver/single domain template 创建LDAP多域认证源
idp-create-ldap-single-domain Create an identity provider with LDAP driver/single domain template 创建LDAP单域认证源
idp-delete Delete an identity provider 删除认证源
idp-disable Disable an identity provider 禁用认证源
idp-enable Enable an identity provider 启用认证源
idp-list List all identity provider 列出所有认证源
idp-show Show details of idp 显示认证源详情
idp-sync Sync an identity provider 同步认证源
image-add-project Add a project to private image’s membership list 增加项目到私有
image-cancel-delete Cancel pending delete images 从回收站恢复镜像
image-change-owner Change owner project of an image 更改镜像所属项目
image-delete Delete a image 删除镜像
image-download Download image data to a file or stdout 下载镜像到文件或标准输出
image-event Show operation event logs of glance images 显示镜像操作日志
image-import Import a external image 导入镜像
image-list List images 列出所有镜像
image-list-project List image members 列出镜像所属项目
image-mark-standard Mark image standard 设置为公共镜像
image-mark-unstandard Mark image not standard 设置为自定义镜像
image-private Make a image private 将镜像设置为私有
image-public Make a image public 将镜像设置为共享
image-quota Show image quota for current user or tenant 显示当前用户或项目的镜像配额
image-quota-set Set image quota for tenant 设置项目的镜像配额
image-quota-list List image quota of domains or projects of a domain 列出域或项目的镜像配额
image-remove-project Remove a project from private image’s membership list 从私有镜像成员列表中移除项目
image-show Show details of a image 显示镜像详情
image-subformats Show all format status of a image 显示镜像的所有格式状态
image-update Update images meta infomation 更新镜像元数据信息
image-upload Upload a local image 上传本地镜像
image-usage Show general usage of images 列出镜像的使用量
instance-group-bind-guests bind instancegroup to guests 将虚拟机加入宿反亲和组
instance-group-create Create a instance group 创建反亲和组
instance-group-delete delete a instance group 删除反亲和组
instance-group-list List instance group 列出所有反亲和组
instance-group-show Show details of a instance group 显示反亲和组详情
instance-group-unbind-guests bind instancegroup to guests 将虚拟机移出反亲和组
instance-group-update update a instance group 更新反亲和组
instance-snapshot-and-clone create instance snapshot and clone new instance 创建主机快照,并基于主机快照创建新的虚拟机
instance-snapshot-create create instance snapshot 创建主机快照
instance-snapshot-delete Delete snapshots 删除主机快照
instance-snapshot-list Show instance snapshots 列出所有主机快照
instance-snapshot-reset reset instance snapshot 还原主机快照
instance-type-list query backend service for its version
isolated-device-delete Delete a isolated device 删除已隔离设备
isolated-device-list List isolated devices like GPU 列出已隔离设备如GPU
isolated-device-show Show isolated device details 显示已隔离设备详情
keypair-create Create a new keypair 创建新的密钥对
keypair-delete Delete a keypair 删除密钥对
keypair-import Create a new keypair with a existing public key 用已存在的公钥创建密钥对
keypair-list List keypairs. 列出密钥对
keypair-privatekey Private a keypair 显示密钥对的私钥
keypair-show Show details of a keypair 显示密钥详情
keypair-update Update a keypair 上传密钥对
kubecluster-add-machines Add machines to cluster 向K8s集群添加节点
kubecluster-addons Get addon manifest of a cluster 查看k8s集群额外插件
kubecluster-apply-addons Apply base requirements addons 应用k8s集群额外插件
kubecluster-check-system-ready Check system cluster status 检查k8s集群的状态
kubecluster-component-delete Delete cluster component 删除k8s集群组件
kubecluster-component-disable Enable cluster component 禁用k8s集群组件
kubecluster-component-enable-ceph-csi Enable cluster component 启用k8s ceph csi组件
kubecluster-components-status Get cluster component status 查看k8s组件状态
kubecluster-component-setting Get cluster component setting 获取k8s组件配置信息
kubecluster-component-update-ceph-csi Update cluster component 更新k8s ceph csi组件
kubecluster-create Create k8s cluster 创建k8s集群
kubecluster-delete Delete cluster 删除k8s集群
kubecluster-delete-machines Delete machines in cluster 删除k8s集群中的节点
kubecluster-event Show operation event logs of kubernetes cluster 查看k8s集群操作日志
kubecluster-import Import k8s cluster 导入k8s集群
kubecluster-k8s-versions Get kubernetes deployable versions 获取k8s集群版本
kubecluster-kubeconfig Generate kubeconfig of a cluster 生成k8s集群的kubeconfig配置文件
kubecluster-list List k8s clusters 列出所有k8s集群
kubecluster-public Make cluster public 将k8s集群设置为共享
kubecluster-private Make cluster private 将k8s集群设置为私有
kubecluster-show Show details of a cluster 显示k8s集群详情
kubecluster-syncstatus Sync cluster status 同步k8s集群状态
kubecluster-terminate Terminate cluster 删除集群
kubecluster-usable-instances Get deploy usable instance 获取可用的节点
kubemachine-create Create k8s machine 在k8s集群中创建节点
kubemachine-delete Delete machine 在k8s集群中删除节点
kubemachine-event Show operation event logs of kubernetes machine 显示k8s集群中节点操作日志
kubemachine-list List k8s node machines 列出k8s集群中所有节点
kubemachine-recreate Re-Create machine when create fail 节点创建失败后重新创建
kubemachine-show Show details of a machine 显示节点详情
kubemachine-terminate Terminate a machine 删除节点
k8s-app-meter-create Create yunion meter helm release 从应用目录部署meter服务
k8s-app-notify-create Create yunion notify helm release 从应用目录部署通知服务
k8s-app-servicetree-create Create yunion servicetree helm release 从应用目录部署服务树
k8s-chart-list List k8s helm global charts 列出所有应用目录
k8s-chart-show Show details of a chart 显示应用目录详情
k8s-configmap-delete Delete k8s configmap 删除k8s配置项
k8s-configmap-list List k8s configmap 列出所有k8s配置项
k8s-configmap-show Show k8s configmap 显示k8s配置项详情
k8s-cronjob-create Create cronjob resource 创建定时任务
k8s-cronjob-delete Delete k8s cronjob 删除定时任务
k8s-cronjob-list List k8s cronjob 列出所有定时任务
k8s-cronjob-show Show k8s cronjob 显示定时任务详情
k8s-create Create resource by file 通过文件创建资源
k8s-daemonset-delete Delete k8s daemonset 删除k8s daemonset资源
k8s-daemonset-list List k8s daemonset 列出所有k8s daemonset资源
k8s-daemonset-show Show k8s daemonset 显示k8s daemonset资源详情
k8s-delete Delete k8s resource instance 删除k8s资源
k8s-deployment-create Create deployment resource 创建无状态应用
k8s-deployment-delete Delete k8s deployment 删除无状态应用
k8s-deployment-list List k8s deployment 列出所有无状态应用
k8s-deployment-show Show k8s deployment 显示无状态应用详情
k8s-deployment-update Update deployment resource 更新无状态应用
k8s-edit Edit k8s resource instance 修改k8s资源
k8s-get Get k8s resource instance raw info 获取k8s资源
k8s-ingress-create Create ingress rules to service 创建路由
k8s-ingress-delete Delete k8s ingress 删除路由
k8s-ingress-list List k8s ingress 列出所有路由
k8s-ingress-show Show k8s ingress 显示路由详情
k8s-job-create Create job resource 创建任务
k8s-job-delete Delete k8s job 删除任务
k8s-job-list List k8s job 列出所有任务
k8s-job-show Show k8s job 显示任务详情
k8s-namespace-delete Delete k8s namespace 删除命名空间
k8s-namespace-list List k8s namespace 列出所有命名空间
k8s-namespace-show Show k8s namespace 显示命名空间详情
k8s-node-list List k8s node 列出所有k8s节点信息
k8s-node-show Show k8s node 显示k8s详情
k8s-node-delete Delete k8s node 删除k8s节点
k8s-put Update k8s resource instance 更新k8s资源
k8s-pod-delete Delete k8s pod 删除容器组
k8s-pod-list List k8s pod 列出所有容器组
k8s-pod-show Show k8s pod 显示容器组详情
k8s-persistentvolume-delete Delete k8s persistentvolume 删除pv
k8s-persistentvolume-list List k8s persistentvolume 列出所有pv
k8s-persistentvolume-show Show k8s persistentvolume 显示pv详情
k8s-pvc-create Create PersistentVolumeClaims resource 创建pvc
k8s-pvc-delete Delete k8s pvc 删除pvc
k8s-pvc-list List PersistentVolumeClaims resource 列出所有pvc
k8s-pvc-show Show k8s pvc 显示pvc详情
k8s-rbacrole-delete Delete k8s rbacrole 删除rbac角色
k8s-rbacrole-list List k8s rbacrole 列出所有rbac角色
k8s-rbacrole-show Show k8s rbacrole 显示rbac详情
k8s-rbacrolebinding-delete Delete k8s rbacrolebinding 删除角色绑定
k8s-rbacrolebinding-list List k8s rbacrolebinding 列出所有角色绑定
k8s-rbacrolebinding-show Show k8s rbacrolebinding 显示角色绑定详情
k8s-registrysecret-create Create docker registry secret resource 新建镜像仓库密钥
k8s-registrysecret-delete Delete k8s registrysecret 删除镜像仓库密钥
k8s-registrysecret-list List k8s registrysecret 列出所有镜像仓库密钥
k8s-registrysecret-show Show k8s registrysecret 显示镜像仓库密钥详情
k8s-release-create Create release with specified helm chart 创建发布
k8s-release-delete Delete release 删除发布
k8s-release-history Get release history 获取发布的历史信息
k8s-release-list List k8s cluster helm releases 列出所有发布
k8s-release-rollback Rollback release by history revision number 回滚发布
k8s-release-show Get helm release details 获取发布详情
k8s-release-upgrade Upgrade release 更新发布
k8s-repo-create Add repository 添加应用目录
k8s-repo-delete Delete a repository 删除应用目录
k8s-repo-list List k8s global helm repos 列出所有应用目录
k8s-repo-private Make repository private 将应用目录设为私有
k8s-repo-public Make repository public 将应用目录设为共享
k8s-repo-show Show details of a repo 显示应用目录详情
k8s-repo-sync Sync a repository 同步应用目录
k8s-repo-update Update helm repository 更新应用目录
k8s-secret-ceph-csi-create Create ceph csi user secret 创建ceph csi用户字典
k8s-secret-list List secret resource 列出所有保密字典
k8s-secret-show Show k8s secret 显示保密字典详情
k8s-service-create Create service resource 创建服务
k8s-service-delete Delete k8s service 删除服务
k8s-service-list List Services resource 列出所有服务
k8s-service-show Show k8s service 显示服务详情
k8s-serviceaccount-delete Delete k8s serviceaccount 删除服务账户
k8s-serviceaccount-list List k8s serviceaccount 列出所有服务账户
k8s-serviceaccount-show Show k8s serviceaccount 显示服务账户详情
k8s-statefulset-create Create statefulset resource 创建有状态应用
k8s-statefulset-delete Delete k8s statefulset 删除有状态应用
k8s-statefulset-list List k8s statefulset 列出所有有状态应用
k8s-statefulset-show Show k8s statefulset 显示有状态应用详情
k8s-storageclass-ceph-csi-rbd-connection-test Test storageclass connection 测试与存储类的连接
k8s-storageclass-ceph-csi-rbd-create Create ceph csi rbd 创建ceph csi
k8s-storageclass-delete Delete k8s storageclass 删除存储类
k8s-storageclass-list List k8s storageclass 列出所有存储类
k8s-storageclass-set-default Set storageclass as default 将存储类设置成默认
k8s-storageclass-show Show k8s storageclass 显示存储类详情
k8s-tiller-create Install helm tiller server to Kubernetes cluster 安装helm服务端
label-create Create a label 创建标签
label-delete Delete a label 删除标签
label-list List labels 列出所有标签
label-update Update a label 更新标签
labels-for-alerttemplate List all the labels for the alert-templates 列出所有告警模板标签
lbacl-cache-create Create cached lbacl 创建负载均衡访问控制的缓存
lbacl-cache-delete Delete cached lbacl 删除负载均衡访问控制的缓存
lbacl-cache-list List cached lbacls 列出所有负载均衡访问控制缓存
lbacl-cache-purge Purge cached lbacl 从数据库删除负载均衡访问控制缓存
lbacl-cache-show Show cached lbacl 显示负载均衡访问控制缓存详情
lbacl-create Create lbacl 创建负载均衡访问控制
lbacl-delete Show lbacl 删除负载均衡访问控制
lbacl-list List lbacls 列出所有负载均衡访问控制
lbacl-patch Patch lbacls 修改负载均衡访问控制
lbacl-purge Purge lbacl 从数据库删除负载均衡访问控制
lbacl-show Show lbacl 显示负载均衡访问控制详情
lbacl-update Update lbacls 更新负载均衡访问控制ƒ
lbagent-create Create lbagent 创建负载均衡节点
lbagent-delete Show lbagent 显示负载均衡节点详情
lbagent-deploy Deploy lbagent 部署负载均衡节点
lbagent-heartbeat Emulate a lbagent heartbeat 检测负载均衡节点的心跳
lbagent-list List lbagents 列出所有负载均衡节点
lbagent-params-patch Patch lbagent params 更新负载均衡节点参数
lbagent-show Show lbagent 显示负载均衡节点详情
lbagent-undeploy Undeploy lbagent 下线负载均衡节点
lbagent-update Update lbagent 更新负载均衡节点
lbcert-cache-create Create cached lbcert 创建负载均衡证书缓存
lbcert-cache-delete Delete cached lbcert 删除负载均衡证书缓存
lbcert-cache-list List cached lbcerts 列出所有负载均衡证书缓存
lbcert-cache-purge Purge cached lbcert 清除关于负载均衡证书缓存的数据库记录
lbcert-cache-show Show cached lbcert 显示负载均衡证书缓存详情
lbcert-create Create lbcert 创建负载均衡证书
lbcert-delete Delete lbcert 删除负载均衡证书
lbcert-list List lbcerts 列出所有负载均衡证书
lbcert-purge Purge lbcert 清除关于负载均衡证书的数据库记录
lbcert-show Show lbcert 显示负载均衡证书详情
lbcert-update Update lbcert 更新负载均衡证书
lbcluster-create Create lbcluster 创建负载均衡集群
lbcluster-delete Delete lbcluster 删除负载均衡集群
lbcluster-list List lbclusters 列出所有负载均衡集群
lbcluster-show Show lbcluster 显示负载均衡集群详情
lbcluster-update Update lbcluster 更新负载均衡集群
lblistener-backend-status Get lblistene backend status 查看负载均衡实例监听的后端服务器组状态
lblistener-create Create lblistener 创建负载均衡实例监听
lblistener-delete Delete lblistener 删除负载均衡实例监听
lblistener-list List lblisteners 列出负载均衡实例监听
lblistener-purge Purge lblistener 清除关于负载均衡实例监听的数据库记录
lblistener-show Show lblistener 显示负载均衡实例监听详情
lblistener-status Change lblistener status 更改负载均衡实例监听状态
lblistener-syncstatus Sync lblistener status 同步负载均衡实例监听状态
lblistener-update Update lblistener 更新负载均衡实例监听
lblistenerrule-backend-status Get lblistenerrule backend status 查看负载均衡实例转发策略关联的后端服务器组状态
lblistenerrule-create Create lblistenerrule 创建负载均衡实例转发策略
lblistenerrule-delete Delete lblistenerrule 删除负载均衡实例转发策略
lblistenerrule-list List lblistenerrules 列出所有负载均衡实例转发策略
lblistenerrule-purge Purge lblistenerrule 清除关于负载均衡实例转发策略的数据库记录
lblistenerrule-show Show lblistenerrule 显示负载均衡实例转发策略详情
lblistenerrule-status Change lblistenerrule status 更改负载均衡实例转发策略
lblistenerrule-update Update lblistenerrule 更新负载均衡实例转发策略
lbnetwork-list List loadbalancer network pairs 列出负载均衡器网络配对
licenses-list show licenses 列出所有License
licenses-show show actived license 显示有效License详情
licenses-usage show license usages status 显示License利用率信息m
list-labels-for-node List labels for the node 列出节点所有标签
meshnetwork-create Create mesh network 创建mesh网络
meshnetwork-delete Delete mesh network 删除mesh网络
meshnetwork-list List mesh networks 列出所有mesh网络
meshnetwork-realize Realize mesh network 使mesh网络中的路由器配置生效
meshnetwork-show Show mesh network 显示mesh网络详情
meshnetwork-update Update mesh network 更新mesh网络
metadata-list List metadatas 列出元数据
meteralert-create Create a meter alert rule 创建消费预警规则
meteralert-delete Delete a meter alert 删除消费预警
meteralert-change-status Change status of a meter alert 更新消费告警状态
meteralert-list List meter alert 列出所有消费告警
metric-details Show metric details by name 按名称显示计量详情
metric-list List all metrics 列出所有计量
metric-show Show metric details 显示计量详情
metrictype-metric-list List metric types of the monitor type 列出监控类型的计量类型
module-list List all modules 列出所有模块信息
monitor-metrics-set Set monitor metric for the tree-node 设置树节点的监控计量
monitorinputs-list List all monitor-inputs 列出所有监控输入
monitorinputs-metrics-list List all metrics for the monitor-inputs 列出所有监控输入的计量
monitortemplate-attach-monitorinput Add a monitor-input to a monitor-template 增加一条监控输入给监控模板
monitortemplate-create Create or update contact for user 创建或更新一条用户的联系信息
monitortemplate-delete Delete a monitor-template 删除一条监控模板
monitortemplate-detach-monitorinput Add a monitor-input to a monitor-template 增加一条监控输入到监控模板
monitortemplate-list List all monitor-template 列出所有监控模板
monitortemplate-monitorinput-list Get monitor-inputs of a monitor-template 获取监控模板的监控输入
monitortemplate-show Show monitor-template 显示监控模板
monitortemplate-update Update a monitor-template 更新一条监控模板
monitortype-list List all monitor types 列出所有监控类型
monitortype-metrictype-list List metric types of the monitor type 列出监控类型的计量类型
natgateway-dnat-resources list resources in dnats of natgateway 列出所有dnat资源
natgateway-list List NAT gateways 列出所有nat网关
natgateway-show Show a NAT gateway 显示nat网关详情
natgateway-snat-resources list resources in snats of natgateway 列出所有snat资源
network-add-dns-update-target Add a dns update target to a network 为IP子网添加dns
network-addresses Query used addresses of network 查询IP子网中已被使用的IP地址
network-create Create a virtual network 创建经典IP子网
network-create2 Create a virtual network 创建VPC类型的IP子网
network-delete Delete a network 删除IP子网
network-event Show operation event logs of network 显示IP子网操作日志
network-interface-list List networkinterfaces 列出所有网络接口
network-interface-show Show networkinterface detail 显示网络接口详情
network-list List networks 列出IP子网
network-merge Merge two network to be one 合并IP子网
network-metadata Show metadata of a network 显示IP子网元数据
network-private Make a network private 使IP子网私有
network-public Make a network public 使IP子网公有
network-purge Purge a managed network, not delete the remote entity 删除IP子网的数据库记录
network-release-reserved-ip Release a reserved IP into pool 释放预留IP
network-reserve-ip Reserve an IP address from pool 预留IP
network-set-static-routes Set static routes for a network 为IP子网设置静态路由
network-set-schedtag Set schedtags to network 为IP子网设置调度标签
network-show Show network details 显示IP子网详情
network-split Split a network at the specified IP address 从指定IP分割IP子网
network-status Set on-premise network status 设置IP子网的可用状态
network-sync Sync network status 同步IP子网
network-update Update network 更新IP子网
node-create Create a monitor node record 创建监控节点记录
node-list List all nodes 列出所有节点
nodealert-create Create a node alert rule 创建虚拟机告警规则
nodealert-delete Delete a node alert 删除虚拟机告警
nodealert-disable Disaable alert rule for the specified ID 禁用虚拟机告警
nodealert-enable Enable alert rule for the specified ID 启用虚拟机告警
nodealert-list List node alert 列出所有告警信息
nodealert-update Update the node alert rule 更新虚拟机告警规则
notice-create create a notice 创建公告
notice-delete delete notice 删除公告
notice-list list notices 列出所有公告
notice-update update notice 更新公告信息
notification-update-callback Update send status of the notification task 更新通知任务的发送状态
notify Send a notification to someone 给某人发送通知
notify-batch Send a notification to someones 给一些人发通知
notify-broadcast Send a notification to all online users 给所有在线用户发通知
notify-config-delete config delete 删除通知配置信息
notify-config-update config update, example: notify_config-update email mail.smtp.hostname hostname mail.smtp.hostport 123. 更新通知配置
notify-config-validate config validate 使配置生效
notify-config-show config show 显示通知配置信息
notify-list List notification history 列出通知历史
notify-template-delete delete notify template 删除通知模板
notify-template-list List all notify template 列出所有通知模板
notify-template-update Create, update contact for user 为用户新增或更新联系方式
operation-create Create a operation 创建操作
operation-list List operations 列出所有操作
operation-show Show operation details 显示操作详情
operation-update Update operation 更新操作
parameter-create create a parameter 创建参数
parameter-delete delete notice 删除参数
parameter-list list parameters 列出所有参数
parameter-show show a parameter 显示参数详情
parameter-update update parameter 更新参数
performance-top5 Show performance top5 显示性能top5
policy-admin-capable Check admin capable 检查是否有admin权限
policy-create Create a new policy 创建权限
policy-delete Delete policy 删除权限
policy-edit Edit and update policy 更新权限
policy-event Show operation event logs of keystone policies 显示权限操作日志
policy-explain Explain policy result 解释权限匹配结果
policy-list List all policies 列出所有权限
policy-patch Patch policy 更新权限
policy-public Mark a policy public 将权限设置为公有
policy-private Mark a policy private 将权限设置为私有
policy-show Show policy 显示权限详情
policy-update Patch policy 更新权限
pprof-profile pprof profile of backend service 调试后端服务
pprof-trace pprof trace of backend service 调试后端服务
process-definition-change-state Update the state of the process definition 更新工单流程的状态
process-definition-delete Delete process definition by ID 根据ID删除工单流程
process-definition-list List process definition 列出所有工单流程
process-definition-show Show process definition 显示工单流程详情
process-instance-create Create process instance 发起工单
process-instance-delete Delete process instance by ID 根据ID删除工单
process-instance-list List process instance 列出所有工单
process-instance-show Show process instance 显示工单详情
process-task-operate Operate task 工单审批操作
process-task-list List task 列出所有审批操作
process-task-show Show task details 显示审批细节
process-list List processes 列出所有进程
process-show Show process details 显示进程详情
project-add-group Add group to project with role 将组以某种角色加入项目
project-add-user Add user to project with role 将用户以某种角色加入项目
project-add-user-group Batch add users/groups to project 同时将用户和组加入项目
project-batch-join Batch join users or groups into project with role 同时将用户和组以某种角色加入项目
project-create Create a project 创建项目
project-delete Delete a project 删除项目
project-event Show operation event logs of keystone projects 显示项目操作日志
project-group-roles Get roles for group in project 从项目中的组中获取角色
project-has-group Check a group in a project with a role 检查带有角色的项目中的组
project-has-user Check a user in a project with a role 检查带有角色的项目中的用户
project-list List projects 列出所有项目
project-quota Show project-quota for current user or tenant 显示项目配额
project-quota-set Set project quota for tenant 为项目设置配额
project-quota-list List project quota of domains or projects of a domain 列出所有项目配额或域配额
project-remove-group Remove a role for a group in a project 将组移出项目
project-remove-user Remove a user role from a project 将用户移出项目
project-remove-user-group Remove users/groups from project 同时将用户或组移出项目
project-resource-show query backend service for its project resource count 查询后端服务对应项目资源统计
project-show Show details of project 显示项目详情
project-update Update a project 更新项目
project-user-roles Get roles of a user in a project 获取项目中用户的角色
projectadmin-list List all Project Admins 列出所有项目的管理员
projectadmincandidate-list List all Project Admin Candidates 列出所有项目管理候选人
prosesslog-list List processlogs 列出进程日志
quota Show quota for current user or tenant 显示当前用户或项目的配额
quota-set Set quota for tenant 设置配额
quota-list List quota of domains or projects of a domain 列出配额
rate-create Create a rate 创建费率
rate-delete Delete a rate 删除费率
rate-list List all rates 列出所有费率
rate-show Show rate details 显示费率详情
rate-update Update a rate 更新费率
region-create Create a region 创建区域
region-delete Delete region 删除区域
region-event Show operation event logs of region 显示区域操作日志
region-list List regions 列出所有区域
region-quota Show region-quota for current user or tenant 区域配额
region-quota-list List region quota of domains or projects of a domain 列出区域配额
region-quota-set Set regional quota for tenant 设置区域配额
region-show Show details of region 显示区域详情
region-task-list List tasks on region server 列出区域服务器的任务
region-task-show Show details of a region task 列出区域任务详情
region-update Update a region 更新区域
remove-alert-from-template Remove alert from alert-template 从告警模板中移除告警
remove-labels-from-node Remove labels from node 从节点中移除标签
reserved-ip-list Show all reserved IPs for any network 显示所有网络中的预留IP
reserved-ip-update update reserved ip notes 更新预留IP
resourcedetail-list List all resource details 列出所有资源详情
resourcefee-list List all resource fees 列出所有资源费用
role-assignments List all role assignments 列出所有角色分配
role-create Create a new role 创建新角色
role-delete Delete a role 删除角色
role-event Show operation event logs of keystone roles 显示角色操作日志
role-list List keystone Roles 列出所有角色
role-private Mark a role private 将角色设置为私有
role-public Mark a role public 将角色设置为公有
role-show Show details of a role 显示角色详情
role-update Update role 更新角色
router-create Create router 创建路由器
router-delete Delete router 删除路由器
router-join-meshnetwork Router join meshnetwork 将路由器加入mesh网络
router-leave-meshnetwork Router leave meshnetwork 将路由器离开mesh网络
router-list List routers 列出所有路由器
router-realize Router realize 使路由器配置生效
router-register-ifname Router register new ifname 路由器注册网卡
router-route-create Create router 创建路由器的路由
router-route-delete Delete router 删除路由器的路由
router-route-list List routers 列出路由器的所有路由
router-route-show Show router 显示路由器的路由详情
router-route-update Update router 更新路由器的路由
router-rule-create Create router rule 创建路由器的防火墙规则
router-rule-delete Delete router rule 删除路由器的防火墙规则
router-rule-list List router rules 列出路由器的所有防火墙规则
router-rule-show Show router rule 显示路由器防火墙规则的详情
router-rule-update Update router rule 更新路由器防火墙规则
router-unregister-ifname Router unregister ifname 路由器取消注册网卡
router-update Update router 更新路由器
routetable-add-routes Add routes to routetable 在路由表中添加路由
routetable-create Create routetable 创建路由表
routetable-del-routes Del routes to routetable 在路由表中删除路由
routetable-delete Show routetable 删除路由
routetable-list List routetables 列出所有路由表
routetable-purge Purge routetable 删除路由表的数据库记录
routetable-show Show routetable 显示路由表详情
routetable-update Update routetable 更新路由表
sched-policy-create create a sched policty 创建调度策略
sched-policy-delete delete a sched policy 删除调度策略
sched-policy-evaluate Evaluate sched policy 设置调度策略的条件
sched-policy-list List scheduler policies 列出所有调度策略
sched-policy-show show details of a sched policy 显示调度策略详情
sched-policy-update update a sched policy 更新调度策略
schedtag-create Create a schedule tag 创建调度标签
schedtag-delete Delete a scheduler tag 删除调度标签
schedtag-host-add Add a schedtag to a host 为宿主机增加调度标签
schedtag-host-list List all scheduler tag and host pairs 列出所有绑定调度标签的宿主机
schedtag-host-remove Remove a schedtag from a host 宿主机移除调度标签
schedtag-list List schedule tags 列出所有调度标签
schedtag-network-list List all scheduler tag and network pairs 列出所有绑定调度标签的IP子网
schedtag-network-add Add a schedtag to a network 为IP子网添加调度标签
schedtag-network-remove Remove a schedtag to a network 为IP子网移除调度标签
schedtag-show Show scheduler tag details 显示调度标签详情
schedtag-storage-list List all scheduler tag and storage pairs 列出所有绑定调度标签的存储
schedtag-storage-add Add a schedtag to a storage 为存储绑定调度标签
schedtag-storage-remove Remove a schedtag to a storage 为存储移除标签
schedtag-update Update a schedule tag 更新调度标签
schedtag-usage Show general usage of a scheduler tag 显示调度标签通用用法
scheduler-candidate-list List scheduler candidates 列出默认调度标签
scheduler-candidate-show Show candidate detail 显示默认调度标签
scheduler-clean-cache Clean scheduler hosts cache 清除调度缓存
scheduler-forecast Forecast scheduler result 预测调度结果
scheduler-history-list Show scheduler history list 显示调度器历史列表
scheduler-history-show Show scheduler history detail 显示调度器详情
scheduler-sync-sku Sync scheduler SKU cache 同步调度套餐缓存
scheduler-test Emulate schedule process 模拟调度进程
secgroup-add-rules Add security rules to a security group 给安全组增加安全规则
secgroup-cache-delete Delete security group cache 删除安全组缓存
secgroup-cache-list List security group caches 列出所有安全组缓存
secgroup-cache-secgroup Cache security group for special vpc 为特殊VPC缓存安全组
secgroup-cache-show Show security group cache 显示安全组缓存详情
secgroup-create Create a security group 创建安全组
secgroup-delete Delete a security group 删除安全组
secgroup-list List all security group 列出所有安全组
secgroup-private Make a security group private 将安全组设置为私有
secgroup-public Make a security group publicly available 将安全组设置为公有
secgroup-rule-create Create all security group rule 新增安全组规则
secgroup-rule-delete Delete a disk 删除安全组规则
secgroup-rule-list List all security group 列出所有安全组规则
secgroup-rule-show Show details of rule 显示规则详情
secgroup-rule-update Update property of a security group rule 更新安全组
secgroup-show Show details of a security group 显示安全组详情
secgroup-uncache-secgroup Unache special secgroup cache 禁止缓存安全组
secgroup-union Union secgroups to one secgroup 合并安全组
secgroup-update Update details of a security group 更新安全组详情
server-add-tag Set tag of a server 为虚拟机绑标签server-add-secgroup
server-add-extra-options Add server extra options 为虚拟机添加额外功能
server-action Show operation action logs of server 显示虚拟机操作日志
server-assign-admin-secgroup Assign administrative security group to a Server 为虚拟机配置管理安全组
server-assign-secgroup Assign security group to a Server 为虚拟机配置安全组
server-associate-eip Associate a server and an eip 为虚拟机分配EIP
server-attach-disk Attach an existing virtual disks to a virtual server 为虚拟服务器增加虚拟磁盘
server-attach-isolated-device Attach an existing isolated device to a virtual server 为虚拟机增加隔离的设备
server-attach-network Attach a server to a virtual network 给虚拟网络增加一台服务器
server-batch-add-tag add tags for some server 虚拟机批量添加标签
server-batch-set-tag Set tags for some server 虚拟机批量编辑标签
server-cancel-delete Cancel pending delete servers 从回收站恢复虚拟机
server-change-bandwidth Change server network bandwidth in Mbps 更新服务器网络带宽Mbps
server-change-config Change configuration of Server 修改虚拟机的配置
server-change-ipaddr Change ipaddr of a virtual server 修改虚拟机IP
server-change-owner Change owner porject of a server 修改虚拟机项目拥有者
server-check-create-data Check create server data 检查新建虚拟机数据
server-clone Clone a server 克隆虚拟机
server-create Create a server 新建虚拟机
server-create-backup Create backup guest 创建备份虚拟机
server-create-disk Create a disk and attach it to a virtual server 创建磁盘,并挂载给一台宿主机
server-create-eip allocate an EIP and associate EIP to server 为虚拟机绑定EIP
server-create-from-instance-snapshot server create from instance snapshot 从主机快照创建虚拟机
server-create-params Show server create params 显示虚拟机创建参数
server-delete Delete servers 删除虚拟机
server-delete-backup Guest delete backup 删除备虚拟机
server-deploy Deploy hostname and keypair to a stopped virtual server 为一台已停止的虚拟机部署主机名和密钥对
server-desc Show desc info of server 显示虚拟机描述信息
server-detach-disk Detach a disk from a virtual server 从虚拟机分离一块磁盘
server-detach-isolated-device Detach a isolated device from a virtual server 从虚拟机中分离已隔离的设备
server-detach-network Detach the virtual network from a virtual server 从虚拟机中分离虚拟网络
server-disable-recycle Pull a prepaid server from recycle pool, so that it will not be shared anymore 将主机删除放入回收站
server-disk-create-snapshot Task server disk snapshot 为虚拟机硬盘创建快照
server-disk-list List server disk pairs 列出虚拟机硬盘配对
server-disk-show Show server disk details 显示虚拟机硬盘详情
server-disk-update Update details of a virtual disk of a virtual server 更新虚拟机的虚拟硬盘详情
server-dissociate-eip Dissociate an eip from a server 取消虚拟机与EIP的关联
server-eject-iso Eject iso from servers' cdrom 卸载iso
server-enable-recycle Put a prepaid server into recycle pool, so that it can be shared 从回收站恢复虚拟机
server-event Show operation event logs of server 显示虚拟机的操作日志
server-export-virt-install-command Export virt-install command line from existing guest 从已存在的虚拟机中导出lib命令
server-import Import a server by desc file 导入虚拟机
server-insert-iso Insert an ISO image into server’s cdrom 挂载iso
server-io-throttle Guest io set throttle 设置磁盘速度
server-iso Show server’s mounting ISO information 显示虚拟机挂载的iso信息
server-leave-groups Leave multiple groups 从反亲和组移除虚拟机
server-live-migrate Migrate server 开机状态下迁移虚拟机
server-list List virtual servers 列出所有虚拟虚拟机
server-logininfo Get login info of a server 获取虚拟机的登录信息
server-metadata Show metadata of a server 显示虚拟机的元数据
server-migrate Migrate server 迁移虚拟机
server-modify-src-check Modify src ip, mac check settings 修改虚拟机源IP和MAC绑定配置
server-monitor Send commands to qemu monitor 给QEMU监控器发送命令
server-network-list List server network pairs 列出虚拟机网络配对
server-network-show Show server network details 显示虚拟机网络详情
server-network-update Update server network settings 更新虚拟机网络设置
server-purge Purge obsolete servers 从数据库中删除虚拟机
server-rebuild-root Rebuild Server root image with new template 重装系统
server-remote-nics Show remote nics of a server 显示虚拟机网卡
server-remove-extra-options Remove server extra options 移除虚拟机额外选项
server-renew Renewal a server 克隆
server-reset Reset servers 重置虚拟机
server-resize-disk Resize attached disk of a server 设置磁盘大小
server-restart Restart servers 重启
server-resume Resume servers 恢复
server-revoke-admin-secgroup Assign administrative security group to a Server 虚拟机取消系统关联安全组
server-revoke-secgroup Revoke security group to a Server 虚拟机取消关联的安全组
server-save-image Save root disk to new image and upload to glance. 保存硬盘镜像
server-save-guest-image save root disk and data disks to new images and upload to glance. 保存主机镜像
server-send-keys Send keys to server 给虚拟机发送密钥
server-set-qemu-params config qemu params 配置qemu参数
server-set-secgroup Set security groups to a Server 为虚拟机设置安全组
server-set-tag Set tag of a server 编辑标签
server-set-user-data Update server user_data 更新虚拟机用户数据
server-show Show details of a server 显示虚拟机详情
server-sku-cache Cache Server SKU for private cloud 为私有云缓存虚拟机套餐
server-sku-create Create a server sku record 创建套餐
server-sku-delete Delete a server sku 删除套餐
server-sku-disable Disable Server SKU 禁用套餐
server-sku-enable Enable Server SKU 启用套餐
server-sku-list List all avaiable Server SKU 列出所有可用套餐
server-sku-specs-list List all avaiable Server SKU specifications 列出所有可用套餐规格
server-sku-show show details of a avaiable Server SKU 显示套餐详情
server-sku-update Update server sku attributes 更新套餐
server-start Start servers 启动虚拟机
server-status Show status of server 显示虚拟机状态
server-stop Stop servers 停止虚拟机
server-suspend Suspend servers 挂起虚拟机
server-switch-to-backup Switch geust master to backup host 切换到备虚拟机
server-sync Sync servers status 同步虚拟机状态
server-syncstatus Sync servers status 同步虚拟机状态
server-sync-fix-nics Fix missing IP for each nics after syncing VNICS 同步修复虚拟机没有IP的问题
server-tasks Show tasks of a server 显示虚拟机任务
server-template-create Create a server template 创建主机模板
server-tempalte-delete Delete a server template 删除主机模板
server-template-list List server template 列出所有主机模板
server-template-private Private server template 将主机模板设置为私有
server-template-public Public server template 将主机模板设置为公有
server-template-show Show a server template 显示主机模板详情
server-template-update Update a server template 更新主机模板
server-update Update servers 更新虚拟机
server-vnc Show vnc info of server 显示服务VNC信息
service-catalog-create Create a service catalog 创建服务目录
service-catalog-delete delete a service catalog 删除服务目录
service-catalog-deploy deploy 部署服务目录
service-catalog-list List service catalog 列出所有服务目录
service-catalog-show show a service catalog 显示服务目录详情
service-catalog-update update a service catalog 更新服务目录
service-config Add config to service 添加服务配置
service-config-edit Edit config yaml of a service 编辑服务配置
service-config-show Show configs of a service 显示服务配置
service-config-yaml Config service with a yaml file 通过yaml文件配置服务
service-create Create a service 创建服务
service-delete Delete a service 删除服务
service-event Show operation event logs of keystone services 显示服务日志
service-list List services 列出所有虚拟机
service-registry-list List all service registries 列出所有服务仓库
service-show Show details of a service 显示服务详情
service-update Update a service 更新服务
servicehost-create Add host to tree-node 给树节点增加宿主机
servicehost-delete Remove host from tree-node 从树节点移除宿主机
servicehost-list List all hosts for the tree-node 列出树节点所有宿主机
servicenamesuggestion-list List all serviceNameSuggestion 列出所有的服务名字建议
servicetree-create Create a service tree 创建一颗服务树
servicetree-delete Delete a service tree 删除一颗服务树
servicetree-list List all service tree 列出所有服务树
servicetree-node-change-project-type servicetree-node-change-project-type 更改服务树项目类型
servicetree-node-create Create a service-tree node 创建服务树节点
servicetree-node-delete Delete a servicetree node 删除服务树节点
servicetree-node-list List servicetree nodes 列出所有服务树节点
servicetree-node-show Show details of a servicetree node 显示服务树节点详情
servicetree-node-update Update a servicetree node 更新服务树节点
servicetree-show Show service tree details 显示服务树详情
servicetree-update Update a service tree 更新一颗服务树
sms-config-create Create a sms Config 创建一条sms配置
sms-config-delete Delete a sms config 删除一条sms配置
sms-config-show Show sms config details 显示sms配置详情
sms-config-update Update a sms-config 更新一条sms配置
snapshot-create Create a snapshot 创建快照
snapshot-delete Delete snapshots 删除快照
snapshot-list Show snapshots 列出所有快照
snapshot-policy-bind-disk bind snapshotpolicy to disks 自动快照策略绑定硬盘
snapshot-policy-cache upload local snapshotpolicy to cloud 缓存自动快照策略
snapshot-policy-create Create snapshot policy 创建自动快照策略
snapshot-policy-delete Delete snapshot policy 删除自动快照策略
snapshot-policy-disk-list List disk attached 列出自动快照策略关联的硬盘
snapshot-policy-list List snapshot policy 列出所有自动快照策略
snapshot-policy-unbind-disk bind snapshotpolicy to disks 自动快照策略解绑硬盘
snapshot-purge Purge Snapshot db records 删除快照数据库记录
snapshot-show Show snapshot details 显示快照详情
snat-create Create a SNAT 创建SNAT
snat-delete Delete a SNAT 删除SNAT
snat-list List SNAT entries 列出所有SNAT
snat-show Show a SNAT 显示SNAT详情
spec List all kinds of model specs 列出所有模型规范
spec-hosts-list List hosts according by specs 通过规范列出所有宿主机
spec-isolated-devices-list List isolated devices according by specs 通过规范列出所有隔离的设备
sshkeypair-show Get ssh keypairs 获取ssh密钥
storage-cache-delete Delete storage cache 删除存储缓存
storage-cache-image Ask a storage to cache a image 将镜像缓存到存储
storage-cache-list List storage caches 列出存储缓存
storage-cache-show Show details of storage caches 显示存储缓存详情
storage-cached-image-list List storage cached image pairs 列出所有存储缓存的镜像
storage-cached-image-show Show storage cached image 显示存储缓存的镜像详情
storage-cached-image-update Update storage cached image 更新存储的镜像缓存
storage-create Create a Storage 创建存储
storage-delete Delete a storage 删除存储
storage-disable Disable a storage 禁用存储
storage-enable Enable a storage 启用存储
storage-list List storages 列出所有存储
storage-offline Offline a storage 存储离线
storage-online Online a storage 存储在线
storage-set-schedtag Set schedtags to storage 为存储设置调度标签
storage-show Show storage details 显示存储详情
storage-uncache-image Ask a storage to remove image from its cache 移除镜像缓存
storage-update Update a storage 更新存储
tag-list List tags 列出所有标签
task-list List taskman 列出任务人
tenant-list List tenants 列出用户
treenode-recipient-create Add recipients to tree-node 为树节点增加接收人
treenode-recipient-delete Remove recipients from tree-node 从树节点移除接收人
treenode-recipient-list List recipient for the tree-node 列出树节点所有接收人
unbind-template-from-node Unbind alert-template from service-tree node 从服务树节点解绑一条告警模板
underutilized-instances-list List underutilized instances 列出低利用率的虚拟机
unusedresources-list List all unused resources 列出所有没被使用的资源
update-list List updates 列出所有更新
update-perform Update the Controler 更新控制节点
update-template-for-node Update alert-template for service-tree node 为服务树节点更新告警模板
usage Show general usage 显示通用使用率
user-create Create a user 创建用户
user-delete Delete user 删除用户
user-event Show operation event logs of keystone users 显示用户操作日志
user-group-list List groups of user 列出用户的所有组
user-in-group Check whether a user belongs a group 检查是否用户属于组
user-join-group Add a user to a group 为组增加用户
user-join-project User join projects with roles 将用户以某种角色加入项目
user-leave-group Remove a user from a group 从组中移除用户
user-leave-project Leave a user from projects 将用户移出项目
user-list List users 列出所有用户
user-project-list List projects of user 列出用户的所有项目
user-role-list List roles of user 列出用户角色
user-show Show details of user 显示用户详情
user-update Update a user 更新用户
vcenter-action Show operation action logs of vcenter 显示vCenter的操作日志
vcenter-create Create a vcenter 创建vCenter
vcenter-delete Delete a vcenter 删除vCenter
vcenter-list List VMware vcenters 列出VMware vCenter
vcenter-show Show details of a vcenter 显示vCenter详情
vcenter-sync Sync a vcenter 同步vCenter
vcenter-update-credential Update account and password information of a vcenter 更新vCenter的账号和密码信息
version-show Show version of a backend service 显示后端服务版本
vnc-connect Show the VNC console of given server 显示选中服务器是VNC控制台
vpc-available Make vpc status available 使VPC状态可用
vpc-create Create a VPC 创建VPC
vpc-delete Delete a VPC 删除VPC
vpc-event Show operation event logs of vpc 显示VPC操作日志
vpc-list List VPCs 列出所有VPC
vpc-pending Make vpc status pending 使VPC状态挂起
vpc-purge Purge a managed VPC, not delete the remote entity 从数据库删除VPC
vpc-show Show a VPC 显示VPC
vpc-sync Synchronize the status of a vpc 同步VPC状态
vpc-update Update a VPC 更新VPC
webconsole-baremetal Connect baremetal host webconsole 通过web控制台连接物理机
webconsole-k8s-pod Show TTY console of given pod pod的外部登录控制台
webconsole-k8s-pod-log Get logs of given pod 从pod中获取日志
webconsole-server Connect server remote graphic console 以图形方式连接虚拟机
webconsole-ssh Connect ssh webconsole 以ssh方式连接虚拟机
websocket-notify post a Websocket msg 发送websocket信息
wire-create Create a wire 创建二层网络
wire-delete Delete wire 删除二层网络
wire-event Show operation event logs of wire 显示二层网络操作日志
wire-list List wires 列出所有二层网络
wire-show Show wire details 显示二层网络详情
wire-update Update wire 更新二层网络
wire-usage Show general usage of wire 显示二层网络使用率
worker-list List workers 列出所有活动组件
yunionagent-version-list show versions of backend services 后端服务的版本
yunionagent-version-show Show service version 显示后端服务详情
zone-capability Show zone’s capacibilities 显示能用的可用区
zone-create Create a zone 创建可用区
zone-delete Delete zone 删除可用区
zone-event Show operation event logs of zone 查看可用区操作日志
zone-list List zones 列出所有可用区
zone-quota Show zone-quota for current user or tenant 区域配额
zone-quota-list List zone quota of domains or projects of a domain 显示可用区配额
zone-quota-set Set zonal quota for tenant 设置可用区配额
zone-show Show zone details 显示可用区详情
zone-update Update zone 更新可用区
zone-usage Show general usage of zone 显示可用区使用率