External Tickets

OneCloud platform supports managing external ticket system.

Currently, only JIRA ticket system is supported, and only technical support tickets are supported to connect to external ticket system.

The process of using external tickets is as follows.

  1. In the configuration - tickets - external tickets to connect to the external ticket system.
  2. In the ticket configuration - configure technical support ticket, support to connect to the external ticket system.
  3. All technical support tickets submitted by users need to be approved and processed by the external ticket system.

Entry: In the cloud management platform, click the top left corner navigation menu, and click “Settings/Tickets/External Ticket” menu item in the pop-up left menu bar to enter the third party page.

Configure external ticket system

  1. In the third party page, set the following parameters.
    • Ticket system: Set the name of the ticket system.
    • Service address: the service address of the external ticket system.
    • Account: Login account of the external ticket system.
    • Password: The password corresponding to the account.
  2. When the configuration is finished, click “OK” button.

Flow of using the external ticket system

  1. Configure Jira’s service address to connect to the external ticket system in the Ticket - External Ticket page of the cloud management platform.

  2. Configure the technical support ticket process in the Ticket - Ticket Configuration page of Cloud Management Platform, select the type of “External Ticket Ticket System”, and select the ticket process of the external ticket system corresponding to the technical support ticket.

  3. When users submit technical support tickets later, the ticket process will be initiated and approved through the external ticket system.

  4. The ticket content submitted to the external ticket system will be synchronized by the cloud management platform regularly (read-only display).

  5. Users can view the approval records of the external ticket system in Ticket Center - External Ticket.