Ticket Setup

Control the allocation of resources within the system by configuring ticket types, processes, etc.

Tickets are divided into approval ticket and technical support ticket.

  • Workflow Ticktet: Workflows ticket is mainly used to control resource allocation, including host application, host adjustment configuration, host deletion, join project application, project quota application, domain quota application.
    • Host Application: Supports multi-level approval. When this type of ticket is enabled, users will initiate a host application ticket when they create a server, and the server will be automatically deployed after the approval user in each process is approved.
    • Host Adjustment Configuration: Only one level of approval is supported. When this type of ticket is enabled, the user will initiate a host adjustment configuration ticket when adjusting the server configuration, and the configuration will be automatically adjusted after the approval user in the process approves the ticket.
    • Host delete: Supports multi-level approval. When this type of ticket is enabled, the user will initiate a host deletion ticket when deleting a server, and the server will be automatically deleted and stored in the trash after each approval user in the process has passed the approval.
    • Join Projects Application: Only first-level approval is supported. After this type of ticket is enabled, users can apply to join a project directly after signing in the OneCloud platform if they don’t have a project yet; or users can apply to join a project under the project view by clicking the right icon and select “Apply to join project” to initiate a ticket application to join the project, and then the user will automatically join the project after the approval of the approval user in the process is approved.
    • ProjectQuota application: Only one level of approval is supported. After this type of ticket is enabled, users can click the right side of the ticket under the project view icon, select “Project Quota Application”, configure the number of quotas to be applied, initiate a project quota ticket application, and then automatically adjust the project quota after the approval user in the process has approved it.
    • DomainQuota application: only supports first-level approval, after this type of ticket is enabled, users can click the right icon, select “Domain Quota Application”, configure the number of quotas to apply, initiate a domain quota ticket application, and then automatically adjust the domain quota after the approval user in the process has approved it.
  • Technical support ticket: It is mainly used to assist users to solve the problems of using the platform, etc.
    • Technical support ticket: Only support first level approval, after this type of ticket is enabled, user can click the right side of the ticket in project view or Domain View icon, select “Request Technical Support”, Describe the problem encountered and set the priority as “Minor、Moderate、Critical、Fatal”, etc. and submit technical support ticket, the user in the approval process will prioritize the higher level problem according to the priority until the problem is resolved and the user closes the ticket.

Entry: In the cloud management platform click the top left corner navigation menu, and click “Settings/Tickets/Ticket Setup” menu item in the left menu bar that pops up to enter the ticket setup page.

Configure Tickets

This function is used to configure the ticket approval process.

  1. On the ticket configuration page, click the “New” button at the top of the list to bring up the Configure Process dialog box.
  2. Configure the following parameters.
    • Ticket Type: Select the specific ticket type, including host application, host adjustment configuration, host deletion, join project application, project quota application, domain quota application, technical support ticket, etc.
    • Approval link: Set the specific approval process. The host application and host deletion support up to 5 approval sessions. The approval link supports both role approval and person approval.
      • Specified role approval: select the specified approval role and approver range. For domain quota application and join project ticket, the scope of approver is domain and global; for other tickets, the scope of approver is project, domain and global.
        • When the scope of approver is project, it will find users with matching roles in the corresponding project to approve tickets according to the project to which the requested resource belongs.
        • When the approver scope is Domain, the user approval ticket of the matching role will be found in the corresponding domain according to the domain of the requested resource.
        • When the scope of the approver is global, the user approval ticket of the matching role will be found in the system.
      • Specify the person to approve: I.e. specify a specific user to approve the ticket, i.e. all tickets of this type will be submitted to the specified user for approval.
  3. Click “OK” button to complete the ticket configuration.

External Ticket Process Docking

At present, only technical support ticket supports the process of connecting to external ticket system, before configuring the ticket, please check in External Ticket to connect to the external ticket system.

  1. In the ticket configuration page, click “Configure Process” button at the top of the list to bring up the Configure Process dialog box.
  2. Select the type as “Third-party Ticket System” and select the ticket process of the external ticket system corresponding to the technical support ticket. Click the “OK” button to complete the ticket configuration.

Enable Ticket

This function is used to enable the ticket approval process. After enabling the ticket approval process, when users create new hosts, modify host configuration, apply for adjusting project quota, apply for adjusting domain quota, etc. they will initiate the application ticket and wait for the approval to be completed before executing the operation.

  1. On the ticket configuration page, click the “Enable” button on the right column of the ticket to bring up the operation confirmation dialog.
  2. Click the “OK” button to enable the ticket approval process.

Disable Ticket

This function is used to disable the ticket approval process. After disabling, users will execute the operation directly when they perform operations such as creating new host, modifying host configuration, adjusting project quota, adjusting domain quota, etc.

  1. On the ticket configuration page, click the “Disable” button on the right column of the ticket to bring up the operation confirmation dialog.
  2. Click the “OK” button to disable the ticket approval process.

Set Process

This function is used to modify the ticket approval process.

  1. On the ticket configuration page, click the “Modify Process” button on the right column of the ticket to bring up the Modify Process dialog box.
  2. Modify the step name of the approval link, specify the role to approve or specify the person to approve, etc. and support adding or reducing the approval link, etc.
  3. Click the “OK” button when the modification is completed.

View Ticket Details

This function is used to view ticket detail information.

  1. On the ticket configuration page, click the ticket name item to enter the ticket details page.
  2. The menu item at the top of the detail page supports managing tickets.
  3. View the ticket Cloud ID, ID, name, status, domain, item, enable status, updated at, created at, and description.

View operation log

This function is used to view the log information of ticket related operations.

  1. On the Ticket Details page, click the Operation Log tab to enter the Operation Log page.
    • Load more logs: In the operation log page, the list shows 20 operation logs by default. If you want to view more operation logs, please click “Load more” button to get more log information.
    • View Log Details: Click the “View” button on the right column of the operation log to view the log details. Copy details are supported.
    • View logs of specified time period: If you want to view the operation logs of a certain time period, set the specific date in the start date and end date at the top right of the list to query the log information of the specified time period.
    • Export logs: Currently, only the logs displayed on this page are supported to be exported. Click the upper-right corner of icon, set the export data column in the pop-up export data dialog box, and click “OK” button to export the logs.

Ticket Center Management

The default top right corner will not be displayed icon. It will only be displayed if there is a ticket of any type with enabled status icon.

Technical Support Tickets

After only technical support tickets with the enabled status exist, click on the top right corner of the icon, the expanded drop-down menu will only exist for technical support tickets.

  • My Tickets: The number indicates the number of technical support tickets submitted by users that have not yet been completed, click to jump to the Technical Support - My Tickets tab,.
  • Pending: The number indicates the number of technical support tickets to be processed by technical support, click to jump to Technical Support - My Pending tab.

My Tickets

The Technical Support - My Tickets page is used to view the technical support tickets initiated by users.

Request Technical Support

Requesting technical support is supported only in the Project view and Domain Admin backend view.

  1. Click on the top right corner of icon and select the drop-down menu “Request Technical Support” menu item to bring up the Request Technical Support dialog.

  2. or on the Technical Support - My Tickets page, click the “Apply for Technical Support” button at the top of the list to bring up the Apply for Technical Support dialog box.

  3. Enter the problem description, set the problem level, and click the “OK” button to submit the technical support ticket, and the ticket status will be submitted.

  4. When you do not submit a technical support ticket in the Technical Support - My Tickets page, you will be redirected to the Technical Support - My Tickets page after submitting the technical support ticket.

View Technical Support Tickets

When users need to add problem description information, or when technical support has been processed and needs user feedback, you can add new problem description through the view function.

  1. On the Technical Support - My Tickets page, click the “View” button on the right column of the ticket to enter the View Ticket page.
  2. Click the “Reply” button to add a problem description, etc. Click the “Submit” button to add the information.
Closing a Technical Support Ticket

You can close a technical support ticket when it is finished being processed. When the ticket is processed by technical support and is in the status of “pending user feedback”, the ticket will be automatically closed if the user does not provide feedback on the ticket for more than 3 days. If you still have problems, please resubmit the technical support ticket.

  1. In the Technical Support - My Tickets page, click the “End” button on the right side of the ticket to bring up the end dialog box.
  2. Select whether to resolve the issue, enter a rating, etc., and click the “OK” button to close the technical support ticket.

My Pending

The Technical Support - My Pending page is used for technical support to process tickets submitted by users.

  1. In the Technical Support - To Be Processed page, click the “View” button on the right side of the ticket to enter the View Ticket page. At this time, the ticket process status changes from “Submitted” or “Waiting for processing” to “Processing”.
  2. Click “Reply” button to answer user’s question or ask user to add more information, click “Submit” button to reply to user, then the ticket process status is “pending user feedback”, and the ticket will appear in the “I Resolved " list.

I Resolved

Technical support - I Resolved page is used to display technical support has been processed, but the user has not ended the technical support tickets.


This page will only appear if a external ticket system is configured. It is used to view the ticket approval information of the managed external ticket system.

All Tickets

This function is used to view all technical support tickets. Only the system view and domain view support viewing all tickets, where only all tickets under the domain are supported under the domain view.

Workflow Tickets

Only after any type of approval ticket with enabled status exists, click the upper right corner of icon, the approval ticket will exist in the expanded drop-down menu.

  • My Tickets: The number indicates the number of tickets submitted by the user for approval that have not yet been completed, click to jump to Workflows - My Tickets tab.
  • Pending: The number indicates the number of workflow tickets pending user approval, click Skip to Workflows - My Pending tab.

My Tickets

The Workflow Tickets - My Tickets page is used to view the tickets submitted by users for approval.

Apply for Workflow Tickets
  1. When a user requests a host, deletes a host, adjusts a configuration, requests to join a project, requests a project quota, or requests a domain quota, a workflow ticket will be initiated and will jump to the Workflow Tickets - My Tickets page.
  2. Subsequent users can click the top right corner of icon and select “Incomplete” in the expanded drop-down menu to jump to the Workflow Ticket - My Tickets page.
Cancel Workflow Ticket

Only incomplete tickets are supported for cancellation.

  1. On the Workflow Ticket - My Tickets page, click the “Undo” button on the right column of the ticket with “Incomplete” status to bring up the Undo Ticket dialog box.
  2. After entering the reason, click “OK” button to cancel the approved ticket.

My Pending

The Workflow Tickets - My Pending page displays the ticket information that needs to be approved by the currently logged-in user.

Approve Workflow Ticket

Processing Tickets join project

  1. On the Workflow Ticket - My Pending page, click the “Pass” button on the right column of the ticket of the “Join Project” type to bring up the Pass dialog box.
  2. Set the following information.
    • Project: Set the project that users need to join. When the three-level permission is turned on, by default, only projects in the user’s domain can be joined, and when the three-level permission is turned off, only projects under Default domain can be joined.
    • Role: Set the role when the user joins the project, different roles have different permissions.
    • Note: Remarks information.
  3. Click “OK” button to pass the approval ticket.

Other types of tickets

  1. On the Workflow Ticket - My Pending page, click the “Pass” button on the right column of the ticket other than the “Add Project Application” type to bring up the Pass dialog box.
  2. Enter the comment information and click the “OK” button to approve the ticket.
Reject Workflow Ticket

This function is used to reject a workflow ticket.

  1. On the Workflow Ticket - My Pending page, click the “Reject” button on the right column of the ticket to bring up the Reject dialog box.
  2. Enter the comment information and click the “OK” button to reject the approved ticket.

I Resolved

The Workflow Tickets - I Resolved list shows the tickets that have been approved by the currently logged-in user.

I Involved

The Workflow Tickets - I Involved shows the tickets approved by the currently logged-in user, but approved by other users.

All Tickets

This function is used to view all approved tickets. Only in System View are supported to view them.