Price list

The price list is used to compare the prices of different configurations of servers on different platforms.

The price list is used to compare prices of servers with different configurations on different platforms.

Entry: In the cloud management platform click on the top left corner of navigation menu, and click “Cost/Price comparison/Price List” menu item in the left menu bar that pops up to enter the Price List page.

Create Price List

This function is used to select virtual machines with different configurations on different platforms to be added to the price list for comparison.

On-premise server

  1. In the Server page, select the top tab as “On-premise”.
  2. Configure the following parameters.
    • Number: Select the number of servers.
    • Platform: Support OneCloud platform and Serverware platform.
    • CPU architecture: x86 and ARM architectures are currently supported. Only OneCloud platform supports ARM architecture, other platforms only support x86 architecture by default.
    • Configure GPU: Whether to configure GPU card for the server, after enabling this item, you also need to select the specific GPU card model and block number. Currently, only the presence of GPU card on the host of OneCloud platform can enable this item.
    • CPU cores, memory: Set the specifications of the server. And you can select the available packages based on the server specifications, etc.
    • Configuration: The server package is a combination of CPU and memory specifications of the server with different package prices.
    • System Disk: Set the type and size of the system disk.
    • Data disk: The data disk domain system disk type is the same, set the data disk size.
  3. Check the cost of the selected configuration of the server.
  4. To compare it with other platforms, different configurations of servers, you need to click “Add to list” button to add to the price list.

Private Cloud Servers

Setting separate rates for private cloud platform servers is not supported at this time.

  1. In the Server page, select the top tab as “Private Cloud”.
  2. Configure the following parameters.
    • Number: Select the number of servers.
    • CPU cores, memory: Set the specifications of the server. You can also select the available packages according to the server specifications.
    • Configuration: The server package is the combination of CPU and memory specifications of the server, and the price is different for different packages.
    • System Disk: Set the type and size of the system disk.
    • Data disk: The data disk domain system disk type is the same, set the data disk size.
  3. Check the cost of the selected configuration of the server.
  4. To compare it with other platforms, different configurations of servers, you need to click “Add to list” button to add to the price list.

Public Cloud Servers

  1. On the Server page, select the top tab as “Public Cloud”.
  2. Configure the following parameters.
    • Billing method: including postpaid and prepaid.
      • Postpaid: The default price is 1 hour.
      • Prepaid: You need to choose a specific time period.
    • Quantity: Select the number of servers.
    • Region: You can determine the location of servers by geography, platform, region, availability zone, etc.
    • CPU cores, memory: Set the specifications of the server. And you can select the available packages according to the server specifications, etc.
    • Configuration: The server package is a combination of CPU and memory specifications of the server, and the price varies for different packages.
    • System Disk: Set the type and size of the system disk.
    • Data disk: The data disk domain system disk type is the same, set the data disk size.
  3. Check the cost of the selected configuration of the server.
  4. To compare it with other platforms, different configurations of servers, you need to click “Add to list” button to add to the price list.

View price list

This function is used to view the configuration and price comparison of servers added to the price list.

  1. In the price list list, the following parameters are supported to be viewed.
    • Resource type: Only servers are currently supported.
    • Configuration: The configuration of CPU and memory.
    • System disk: System disk type and size.
    • Data disk: Data disk type and size.
    • Platform: The platform where the server is located.
    • Region: The region where the server is located.
    • Billing Type: The billing type of the server, only the public cloud supports prepaid.
    • Purchase Quantity: The number of servers for this configuration.
    • Purchase Time: The default is 1 hour for postpaid, and the actual purchase length is displayed for prepaid.
    • Expense Estimate: The estimated price for purchasing servers of this configuration, for reference only.
    • Monthly Expense: The cost to purchase a server of this configuration for one month.
    • Annual Expense: The cost of purchasing a server of this configuration for one year.


This function is used to delete the selected server configuration information.


  1. In the price list list, click the “Delete” button in the action column to the right of the server configuration to delete the server configuration information.

Batch Delete

  1. Select one or more server configuration information in the price list list and click the “Delete” button at the top of the list to delete the server configuration information in bulk.