
Analytics supports comprehensive analysis of consumption trends and other information under different conditions from the perspective of platform, account, region, project, billing mode, time and tags.


View the cost analysis of the cloud account in the dimension of the cloud account.


Platform are used to count the consumption trend of different platforms and the consumption amount and proportion of different cloud accounts, resources, resource types, projects, regions and billing models under the platform.


Shows the cost analysis of each domain in the dimension of the domain.


Multidimentional analysis supports comprehensive analysis of consumption trends, total Servers, average Server prices, and top 10 resource consumption information under different conditions from the perspectives of platform, account, region, project, billing mode, time, and tag, etc.


Shows the cost analysis of each project in the dimension of the project.

Resouce Types

Shows the cost analysis of each resouce types in the dimension of the resouce types.


Budgets means setting a budget for a time range, planning the user's consumption in that time range in advance, and supporting setting alerts to remind the user of the budget's progress.


Shows the cost analysis of each tag in the dimension of the tag.


Shows the cost of each month in a time dimension.