Alibaba Cloud

Introduce how to get the configuration parameters that need to be used in the OneCloud platform in Alibaba Cloud.

What is Access Key?

In order to ensure the security of the server, Alibaba Cloud needs to verify the identity of the visitor when the API is called to ensure that the visitor has the relevant rights. This authentication is achieved through Access Key, which is issued by Alibaba Cloud to the owner of the server and consists of Access Key ID and Access Key Secret.

How to get Accesskey way for main account

Please note that here is the main account of Alibaba Cloud as an example to introduce how to get Access Key, if you use RAM sub-account, please see How to get Accesskey way for sub-accounts

  1. Login to Alibaba Cloud console with your main account, click Personal Information on the top right corner of the page, expand the drop-down menu, click “AccessKey Management” menu item to enter the security information management page.

  2. In the security information management page, you can view the existing AccessKey information, you can also click “Create AccessKey” button to create a new user AccessKey, when you create a new AccessKey, Alibaba Cloud will send a verification code to the account contact phone, and only after the verification is passed can you create an AccessKey.

  3. Access Key Secret is not shown by default, click the “Show” link, Alibaba Cloud will send a verification code to the contact phone to which the account belongs, and the Access Key Secret will be shown only after the verification is passed.

How to get Accesskey way for sub-accounts

  1. Login to Alibaba Cloud console with your sub-account, click Personal Information on the top right corner of the page, expand the drop-down menu, click “AccessKey Management” to enter the security information management page.

  2. In the Security Information Management page, click the “Create AccessKey” button to create the AccessKey.

  3. After successful creation, the AccessKeySecret information will only be displayed once, so please save it in time.

Alibaba Cloud account permission requirements

Features Read-only permissions Read-write permissions
All Features ReadOnlyAccess AdministratorAccess
VM instance, Security Group, Images, Disks, Snapshots AliyunECSReadOnlyAccess AliyunECSFullAccess
VPC, VPC Peering, Routing table AliyunVPCReadOnlyAccess AliyunVPCFullAccess
EIP AliyunEIPReadOnlyAccess AliyunEIPFullAccess
Elastic NIC AliyunVPCNetworkIntelligenceReadOnlyAccess AliyunECSNetworkInterfaceManagementAccess
OSS AliyunOSSReadOnlyAccess AliyunOSSFullAccess
NAT AliyunNATGatewayReadOnlyAccess AliyunNATGatewayFullAccess
LB instance AliyunSLBReadOnlyAccess
RDS AliyunRDSReadOnlyAccess AliyunRDSFullAccess
Redis AliyunKvstoreReadOnlyAccess AliyunKvstoreFullAccess
Log AliyunActionTrailFullAccess AliyunActionTrailFullAccess
NAS AliyunNASReadOnlyAccess AliyunNASFullAccess
WAF AliyunYundunWAFReadOnlyAccess AliyunYundunWAFFullAccess
IAM AliyunRAMReadOnlyAccess AliyunRAMFullAccess
DNS AliyunDNSReadOnlyAccess
Billing,Balance,Charges AliyunFinanceConsoleReadOnlyAccess AliyunFinanceConsoleFullAccess
Monitoring AliyunCloudMonitorReadOnlyAccess AliyunCloudMonitorFullAccess

How to give authorization to sub-account

  1. Login to Alibaba Cloud console with your main account, click Personal Information at the top right corner of the page, expand the drop-down menu, click “Access Control” menu item , enter the access control page.

  2. Click the “User Management” menu item on the left menu bar to enter the user management page.

  3. On the user management page, click the “Authorize” button in the specified user action column to perform authorization. Please see Alibaba Cloud account permission requirements for the permissions required to manage Alibaba Cloud resources using OneCloud .

How to get Expense OSS Bucket URL and file prefix in Alibaba Cloud platform?

How to get the Expense OSS Bucket URL?

  1. Take Alibaba Cloud main account as an example, login to Alibaba Cloud console with your main account, click the drop-down menu “User Center” menu item in the top [Fees] menu to enter the Fees user center page.

  2. Click the “Billing Data Storage” button to enter the Billing Data Storage page.

  3. Check and record the bucket name of the billing item consumption impact and instance consumption details, if it is not set, you need to add the subscription bucket for storing files in this page, after the setting is completed, the daily incremental billing data will be stored to the corresponding OSS synchronously. It is recommended that only billing files are stored in this bucket.

  4. Check the overview information of the corresponding bucket in the object storage page of Alibaba Cloud Console, the bucket domain is the oss bucket URL.

How to get the billing file prefix?

Alibaba Cloud’s billing file prefix is the account ID, you can check the account ID in Account Management - Security Settings.