Snapshots is a data backup method where a disk snapshot is used to create a fully usable copy of a disk in a server at a specified point in time, allowing for a quick rollback to the state when the snapshot was created after a disk failure.
Currently, the cloud management platform supports manual setup of disk snapshots and the creation of disk snapshots through automatic snapshot policies. Manual snapshots and automatic snapshots can be distinguished by their names.
Automatic Snapshot naming convention.
- The name of a snapshot created by Snapshot Policies on OneCloud platform is “Auto+Random 8-digit number”.
- The name of the snapshot created by the Snapshot Policies on Alibaba Cloud platform is “auto2.0_yyyyMMdd_SnapshotPolicyId”, where yyyyMMdd is the date of the day and SnapshotPolicyId is the ID of the Snapshot Policies.
- The name of the snapshot created by the Snapshot Policies on Tencent Cloud Platform is “snap_yyyyMMdd_HH”, where yyyyMMdd is the date of the day and HH is the hour.
snapshot source
- After the cloud management platform is connected to the public or private cloud platform, it synchronizes the snapshot information of the disks on the public or private cloud platform.
- Automatically create disk snapshots according to the Snapshot Policies.
- Manually create disk snapshots in the disk list or server list.
Caution for manual snapshot creation.
- VMware platform and UCloud platform disks do not support creating snapshots.
- Snapshot creation is not supported when the status of the server to which the disk belongs is abnormal or the disk is not mounted to a server.
Entry: In the cloud management platform click the top left corner of navigation menu, and click “Compute/Storage/Snapshots” menu item in the left menu bar that pops up to enter the Snapshot page.
Roll Back Disk
This function is used to roll back the state of a server’s disk to the state it was in when the snapshot was created. Before rolling back the disk, you need to make sure that the server associated with the disk is shut down.
- Click the “Rollback HDD” button in the action bar to the right of the HDD snapshot to bring up the Rollback HDD dialog.
- Click the “OK” button to roll back the drive to the snapshot moment.
Sync Status
This function is used to get the current status of the drive snapshot.
Sync Status.
- On the HDD Snapshot page, click the “Sync Status” button in the action bar to the right of the HDD snapshot to synchronize the status of the HDD snapshot.
Batch Sync Status
- Select one or more disk snapshots in the list of disk snapshot list and click the “Sync Status” button at the top of the list to batch sync the status.
This function is used to delete snapshots.
- On the Snapshot page, click the “Delete” button in the action column to the right of the snapshot to bring up the action confirmation dialog.
- Click the “OK” button to complete the operation.
Batch Delete
- Select one or more disk snapshots in the list of disk snapshot list, and click the “Delete” button at the top of the list to bring up the operation confirmation dialog box.
- Click the “OK” button to complete the operation.
View HDD Snapshot Details
This function is used to view the details of the disk snapshot and the operation log.
- In the HDD snapshot list, click the HDD snapshot name item to enter the HDD snapshot details page.
- The menu item at the top of the details page supports rollback drive and delete operations for the drive snapshot.
- View the Cloud ID, ID, name, status, domain, project, platform, snapshot size, creation method (including manual creation and automatic creation), snapshot category, server (name and status information), disk properties (including system disk or data disk), disk (name and status), storage type, region, available area, cloud account, created at, updated at, notes, and other information of the disk snapshot.
View operation log
This function is used to view the log information of the operations related to the disk snapshot.
- On the HDD Snapshot details page, click the Operation Log tab to enter the Operation Log page.
- Load More Logs: In the Operation Logs page, the list shows 20 operation logs by default. To view more operation logs, please click the “Load More” button to get more logs.
- View Log Details: Click the “View” button on the right column of the operation log to view the log details. Copy details are supported.
- View logs of specified time period: If you want to view the operation logs of a certain time period, set the specific date in the start date and end date at the top right of the list to query the log information of the specified time period.
- Export logs: Currently, only the logs displayed on this page are supported to be exported. Click the upper-right corner of
icon, set the export data column in the pop-up export data dialog, and click the “OK” button to export the logs.