
One-click deployment of server instances and container instances via Helm orchestration.

Orchestration usage flow.

  • In the Helm repos to connect to the Helm repository for Server types and container types.
  • In the App Market, select the Server type or container type for application deployment.
    • Before deploying a container type application you need to add the container type application to containers to create a container cluster and namespace, etc.
    • Before deploying server type application, please make sure there is “CentOS-7.6.1810-20190430.qcow2” image, available hosts or public/private cloud cloud accounts in the platform.


Used to manage server application instances deployed via orchestration.


Used to manage container application instances deployed via orchestration.

App Market

The application marketplace displays application packages from the Helm repository, similar to apt's Deb packages or yum's RPM packages, which contain yaml files defining resource applications.

Helm Repos

Helm repository for managing published Servers or container applications.