
Support custom system name, logo and copyright information for enterprises.

Enterprise information page is used to customize OneCloud system’s system name, logo, copyright information, etc.

Operation steps

  1. In the cloud management platform, click the top left corner of navigation menu, and click “Settings/System/Branding” menu item in the left menu bar that pops up to enter the Branding page.
  2. Configure the following information.
    • Product name (Chinese/English): the system name of the cloud management platform.
    • System Logo: Logo displayed in the upper right corner of the platform after successful login, requiring a png format image of width 76*height 52 size.
    • Login page Logo: Logo on the login page of the platform, requires a png format image of size 280*80 wide and high.
    • URL icon: Logo on the left side of the title of the browser tab, requires a png icon of size 32*32.
    • Login page background image: the background image of the platform login page, png format icon of width 1158*height 728 is required.
    • Login page main title (Chinese/English): the main title text displayed on the background image of the platform login page, support setting font color.
    • Login page subtitle (Chinese/English): the subtitle text displayed on the background image of the platform login page, support setting font color.
    • Big Screen name (Chinese/English): the title name of the monitoring big screen page.
    • Big Screen Logo: monitor the logo on the left side of the title of the big screen page, requires a png format image of width 71*height 19 size.
    • Big Screen type: display different monitoring big screen indicators according to the user’s scenario, currently including three kinds, default, private cloud, cloud management, please choose according to your needs.
    • Copyright information (Chinese/English): the copyright information of the platform.
  3. Click the “OK” button to save the configuration.